Infrastructure Configuration


The admin user can now define the infrastructure configurations for the prediction and training tasks.

Resource allocation for Training and Pre-annotation

Generative AI Lab gives users the ability to change the configuration for the training and pre-annotation processes. This is done from the Settings > Infrastructure page. The settings can be edited by admin user and they are read-only for the other users. The Infrastructure page consists of three sections namely Resource For Training, Resource For Preannotation Server, Resources for Prenotation Pipeline.

Resources Inclusion:

  1. Memory Limit – Represents the maximum memory size to allocate for the training/pre-annotation processes.
  2. CPU Limit – Specifies this maximum number of CPUs to use by the training/pre-annotation server.

Note: If the specified configurations exceed the available resources, the server will not start.

GPU Resource Availability

If the Generative AI Lab is equipped with a GPU, the following message will be displayed on the infrastructure page:

GPU Resource Available”. infra

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