Spark NLP for Healthcare Release Notes 5.3.3




We are delighted to announce remarkable enhancements and updates in our latest release of Spark NLP for Healthcare. This release comes with a brand new PipelineTracer module to return structured jsons from pretrained pipelines, brand new hyperparameters to customize relation extraction models and Deidentification process, and 22 new clinical pretrained models and pipelines.

  • Introducing 7 new Sentence Entity Resolver Models for entity mapping to medical terminologies, using SOTA BioLord sentence embeddings
  • Clinical document analysis with one-liner pretrained pipelines for specific clinical tasks and concepts
  • Introducing 2 new Chunk Mapper models designed for medical code mapping between SNOMED and MedDRA terminologies
  • Improved version of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) named entity recognition model with reduced set of core entities
  • Automating pipeline tracing and analysis with PipelineTracer to help return structured jsons from pretrained pipelines via the OuputParser module
  • Configuring age-based obfuscation with the setAgeGroups parameter
  • Enhancing date obfuscation control with the setKeepYear parameter in the Deidentification annotator to allow year info intact
  • Broadening relation extraction with extended scope windows, directionSensitive and filterByTokenDistance parameters to allow further customization and reduce FPs
  • Enhancing rule-based annotators with the ner_source field for improved chunk tracking and prioritization
  • Introduction of a new parameter dataSetInfo to store dataset details for AssertionDL and GenericClassifier for traceability
  • Converting visual NER annotations to CoNLL format for training text-based NER models with visual annotations
  • Performance analysis of deidentification pipelines on clinical texts in a cluster environment
  • New blogposts on relation extraction, MedDRA response to treatment, and pretrained pipelines.
  • Various core improvements; bug fixes, enhanced overall robustness and reliability of Spark NLP for Healthcare
    • Added training params to trainable annotators within the metadata of the trained models
    • Updated Risk Adjustment module with V28Y24
    • Resolved index issue in AssertionChunkConverter annotator and AnnotationLab.get_assertion_data modules
    • Resolved saving issue in Flattener annotator
  • Updated notebooks and demonstrations for making Spark NLP for Healthcare easier to navigate and understand
  • The addition and update of numerous new clinical models and pipelines continue to reinforce our offering in the healthcare domain

These enhancements will elevate your experience with Spark NLP for Healthcare, enabling more efficient, accurate, and streamlined analysis of healthcare-related natural language data.

Introducing 7 New Sentence Entity Resolver Models for Entity Mapping to Medical Terminologies, Using SOTA BioLord Sentence Embeddings

The latest lineup of 7 cutting-edge resolver models are designed to enhance clinical entity mapping and coding accuracy. These models leverage advanced natural language processing to seamlessly map medical entities and concepts to standardized codes, facilitating streamlined data analysis and healthcare decision-making. Each model specializes in precise code assignment within specific medical domains, from drug ingredients to veterinary-related entities. Dive into our resolver models and empower your applications with state-of-the-art clinical entity resolution.

Model Name Description
sbiobertresolve_umls_general_concepts This model maps clinical entities and concepts to the following 4 UMLS CUI code categories
biolordresolve_umls_general_concepts This model maps clinical entities and concepts to the following 4 UMLS CUI code categories
biolordresolve_icd10cm_augmented_billable_hcc This model maps extracted medical entities to ICD-10-CM codes
biolordresolve_avg_rxnorm_augmented This model maps clinical entities and concepts (like drugs/ingredients) to RxNorm codes
biolordresolve_snomed_findings_aux_concepts This model maps clinical entities and concepts to SNOMED codes
biolordresolve_cpt_procedures_measurements_augmented This model maps medical entities to CPT codes
sbiobertresolve_snomed_veterinary_wip TThis model maps veterinary-related entities and concepts to SNOMED codes


icd10cm_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("biolordresolve_icd10cm_augmented_billable_hcc", "en", "clinical/models") \

text = "John Doe, a 49-year-old male with CMT2P, AIDS-causing virus infection, and PKD2, presents for a follow-up visit to manage his chronic conditions."


chunk sbiobert icd10cm code sbiobert icd10cm resolution biolord icd10cm code biolord icd10cm resolution
CMT2P G12.1 sma2 [other inherited spinal muscular atrophy] G60.0 cmt2p - charcot-marie-tooth disease type 2p [hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy]
AIDS-causing virus infection B34.9 disease caused by virus [viral infection, unspecified] B20 hiv - human immunodeficiency virus infection [human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease]
PKD2 C77.9 pn2 category [secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph node, unspecified] Q61.2 pkd2 - polycystic kidney disease 2 [polycystic kidney, adult type]

Clinical Document Analysis with One-Liner Pretrained Pipelines for Specific Clinical Tasks and Concepts

We introduce a suite of advanced, hybrid pretrained pipelines, specifically designed to streamline the clinical document analysis process. These pipelines are built upon multiple state-of-the-art (SOTA) pretrained models, delivering a comprehensive solution for quickly extracting vital information.

What sets this release apart is the elimination of complexities typically involved in building and chaining models. Users no longer need to navigate the intricacies of constructing intricate pipelines from scratch or the uncertainty of selecting the most effective model combinations. Our new pretrained pipelines simplify these processes, offering a seamless, user-friendly experience.

Model Name Description
explain_clinical_doc_sdoh This pipeline is designed to extract all clinical/medical entities, assertion status, and relation informations which may be considered as Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) entities from text.
explain_clinical_doc_mental_health This pipeline is designed to extract all mental health-related entities, assertion status, and relation information from text.
ner_medication_generic_pipeline This pre-trained pipeline is designed to identify generic DRUG entities in clinical texts. It was built on top of the ner_posology_greedy, ner_jsl_greedy, ner_drugs_large, and drug_matcher models to detect the entities DRUG, DOSAGE, ROUTE, and STRENGTH chunking them into a larger entity as DRUG when they appear together.
ner_deid_generic_context_augmented_pipeline This pipeline can be used to extract PHI information such as AGE, CONTACT, DATE, LOCATION, NAME, PROFESSION, IDNUM, MEDICALRECORD, ORGANIZATION, PHONE, EMAIL, ACCOUNT, LICENSE, VIN, SSN, DLN, PLATE, IPADDR entities.


from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline

pipeline_sdoh = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_sdoh", "en", "clinical/models")

text = """The patient reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, which have been affecting his quality of life. 
He reported a history of childhood trauma related to violence and abuse in his household, which has contributed to his smoking, alcohol use and current mental health struggles."""

NER and Assertion Result:

chunks begin end entities assertion
anxiety 46 52 Mental_Health Present
depression 58 67 Mental_Health Present
childhood trauma 143 158 Childhood_Event Past
violence 171 178 Violence_Or_Abuse Past
abuse 184 188 Violence_Or_Abuse Past
smoking 237 243 Smoking Present
alcohol 246 252 Alcohol Present

Relation Extraction Result:

relation type entity1 chunk1 entity2 chunk2 confidence
Mental_Health-Quality_Of_Life Mental_Health anxiety Quality_Of_Life quality of life 0.98
Mental_Health-Quality_Of_Life Mental_Health depression Quality_Of_Life quality of life 0.95
Childhood_Event-Violence_Or_Abuse Childhood_Event childhood trauma Violence_Or_Abuse violence 0.96
Childhood_Event-Violence_Or_Abuse Childhood_Event childhood trauma Violence_Or_Abuse abuse 0.97
Childhood_Event-Alcohol Childhood_Event childhood trauma Alcohol alcohol 1.00
Violence_Or_Abuse-Alcohol Violence_Or_Abuse violence Alcohol alcohol 0.99
Violence_Or_Abuse-Alcohol Violence_Or_Abuse abuse Alcohol alcohol 0.93

Please check the Task Based Clinical Pretrained Pipelines model for more information

Introducing 2 new Chunk Mapper models designed for medical code mapping between SNOMED and MedDRA terminologies.

Introducing a suite of new ChunkMapper models designed to streamline medical code mapping tasks. These models include mappings between MedDRA and SNOMED codes, offering a comprehensive solution for interoperability within medical systems.

Model Name Description
meddra_llt_snomed_mapper This pretrained model maps MedDRA LLT (Lowest Level Term) codes to corresponding SNOMED codes.
snomed_meddra_llt_mapper This pretrained model maps SNOMED codes to corresponding MedDRA LLT (Lowest Level Term) codes.


chunkMapper = ChunkMapperModel.load('meddra_llt_snomed_mapper')\

text = ["Chronic renal insufficiency", "Gastritis", "Transient ischemic attack"]


chunk meddra_code snomed_code
Chronic renal insufficiency 10050441 723190009:Chronic renal insufficiency (disorder)
Gastritis 10017853 4556007:Gastritis (disorder)
Transient ischemic attack 10072760 266257000:Transient ischemic attack (disorder)

Improved Version of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Named Entity Recognition Model with Reduced Set of Core Entities

We are introducing our new Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Named Entity Recognition model that has been specifically designed to identify and extract entities related to various social determinants of health. This new model is an improvement over our previous version, aimed at better understanding and tracking the impacts of social factors on health.


ner_model = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_sdoh_core", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

sample_texts = [["""Smith is 55 years old, living in New York, a divorced Mexcian American woman with financial problems. She speaks Spanish and Portuguese. She lives in an apartment. She has been struggling with diabetes for the past 10 years and has recently been experiencing frequent hospitalizations due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Smith works as a cleaning assistant and cannot access health insurance or paid sick leave. She has a son, a student at college. Pt with likely long-standing depression. She is aware she needs rehab. Pt reports having her catholic faith as a means of support as well.  She has a long history of etoh abuse, beginning in her teens. She reports she has been a daily drinker for 30 years, most recently drinking beer daily. She smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. She had DUI in April and was due to court this week."""]]


chunk begin end label
New York 33 40 Geographic_Entity
financial problems 82 99 Financial_Status
apartment 153 161 Housing
hospitalizations 268 283 Other_SDoH_Keywords
access health insurance 372 394 Insurance_Status
son 426 428 Family_Member
student 433 439 Education
college 444 450 Education
depression 482 491 Mental_Health
rehab 517 521 Access_To_Care
catholic faith 546 559 Spiritual_Beliefs
support 575 581 Social_Support
daily 682 686 Substance_Frequency
30 years 700 707 Substance_Duration
daily 738 742 Substance_Frequency
a pack 756 761 Substance_Quantity
a day 777 781 Substance_Frequency
DUI 792 794 Legal_Issues

Please check the model card and SDOH Demo

Automating Pipeline Tracing and Analysis with PipelineTracer to Help Return Structured JSONs from Pretrained Pipelines Via the PipelineOuputParser module

PipelineTracer is a versatile class designed to trace and analyze the stages of a pipeline, offering in-depth insights into entities, assertions, deidentification, classification, and relationships. It also facilitates the creation of parser dictionaries for building a PipelineOutputParser. Key functions include printing the pipeline schema, creating parser dictionaries, and retrieving possible assertions, relations, and entities. Also, provide direct access to parser dictionaries and available pipeline schemas

Please check the PipelineTracer and PipelineOutputParser notebook for more information

PipelineTracer Example:

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline
from sparknlp_jsl.pipeline_tracer import PipelineTracer

oncology_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_oncology", "en", "clinical/models")

pipeline_tracer = PipelineTracer(oncology_pipeline)

column_maps = pipeline_tracer.createParserDictionary()
column_maps.update({"document_identifier": "explain_clinical_doc_oncology"})

column_maps Result:

    'document_identifier': 'explain_clinical_doc_oncology',
    'document_text': 'document',
    'entities': [
            'ner_chunk_column_name': 'merged_chunk',
            'assertion_column_name': '',
            'resolver_column_name': ''
            'ner_chunk_column_name': 'merged_chunk_for_assertion',
            'assertion_column_name': 'assertion',
            'resolver_column_name': ''
    'relations': ['all_relations'],
    'summaries': [],
    'deidentifications': [],
    'classifications': []

PipelineOutputParser Example:

text = """The Patient underwent a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis, which showed a complex ovarian mass. A Pap smear performed one month later was positive for atypical glandular cells suspicious for adenocarcinoma. The pathologic specimen showed extension of the tumor throughout the fallopian tubes, appendix, omentum, and 5 out of 5 enlarged lymph nodes. The final pathologic diagnosis of the tumor was stage IIIC papillary serous ovarian adenocarcinoma. Two months later, the patient was diagnosed with lung metastases.Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with the regimens of Cyclophosphamide (500 mg/m2) is being given for 6 cycles with poor response"""

results = oncology_pipeline.fullAnnotate()

from sparknlp_jsl.pipeline_output_parser import PipelineOutputParser

pipeline_parser = PipelineOutputParser(column_maps)
result =

PipelineOutputParser Result:

    'result': [
            'document_identifier': 'explain_clinical_doc_oncology',
            'document_text': ['The Patient underwent a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis, ....'],
            'entities': [
                [{'chunk_id': '0',
                'begin': 24,
                'end': 42,
                'chunk': 'computed tomography',
                'label': 'Imaging_Test',
                'assertion': None,
                'term_code': None},
                {'chunk_id': '1',
                'begin': 45,
                'end': 46,
                'chunk': 'CT',
                'label': 'Imaging_Test',
                'assertion': None,
                'term_code': None},
                [{'chunk_id': '0',
                'begin': 24,
                'end': 42,
                'chunk': 'computed tomography',
                'label': 'Imaging_Test',
                'assertion': 'Past',
                'term_code': None},
                {'chunk_id': '1',
                'begin': 45,
                'end': 46,
                'chunk': 'CT',
                'label': 'Imaging_Test',
                'assertion': 'Past',
                'term_code': None}]
            'relations': [
                [{'relation': 'is_location_of',
                'entity1': 'Site_Other_Body_Part',
                'entity1_begin': '104',
                'entity1_end': '110',
                'chunk1': 'ovarian',
                'entity2': 'Tumor_Finding',
                'entity2_begin': '112',
                'entity2_end': '115',
                'chunk2': 'mass',
                'confidence': '0.922661'},
                {'relation': 'is_finding_of',
                'entity1': 'Pathology_Test',
                'entity1_begin': '120',
                'entity1_end': '128',
                'chunk1': 'Pap smear',
                'entity2': 'Cancer_Dx',
                'entity2_begin': '213',
                'entity2_end': '226',
                'chunk2': 'adenocarcinoma',
                'confidence': '0.52542114'},
            'summaries': [],
            'deidentifications': [],
            'classifications': []

getParserDictDirectly Example:

from sparknlp_jsl.pipeline_tracer import PipelineTracer

columns_directly = PipelineTracer.getParserDictDirectly("clinical_deidentification", "en", "clinical/models")


getParserDictDirectly Result:

    'document_identifier': 'clinical_deidentification',
    'document_text': 'sentence',
    'entities': [{
        'ner_chunk_column_name': 'ner_chunk',
        'assertion_column_name': '',
        'resolver_column_name': ''}],
    'relations': [],
    'summaries': [],
    'deidentifications': [{
        'original': 'sentence',
        'obfuscated': 'obfuscated',
        'masked': ''}],
    'classifications': []}

Configuring Age-based Obfuscation with the setAgeGroups Parameter

This method, setAgeGroups, is used in conjunction with the obfuscateByAgeGroups parameter to specify age ranges for obfuscation. If the specified ageGroups dictionary does not cover all ages, the obfuscation defaults to the ageRanges parameter. Each entry in the dictionary includes an age group name paired with a range of two integers: the lower and upper bounds of the age group. By default, the method includes a standard dictionary of age groups in English, but users can customize this dictionary to suit specific age classifications and obfuscation requirements. This method takes a value parameter containing a dictionary mapping age group names to corresponding age ranges for obfuscation.


obfuscation = DeIdentification()\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner_subentity_chunk"]) \
    .setOutputCol("deidentified") \
    .setAgeGroups({"baby": [0, 1],
                   "toddler": [1, 4],
                   "child": [4, 13],
                   "teenager": [13, 20],
                   "adult": [20, 65],
                   "senior": [65, 100] })

text ='''
Name: Joseph Brown, Age: 17, Phone: (9) 7765-5632.
This 17 yrs old male, presented with chest heaviness that started during a pick-up basketball game. 
Mark Smith, aged 55, and his daughter (7) Mary were involved in an accident during their travel.


sentence deidentified
Name: Joseph Brown, Age: 17, Phone: (9) 7765-5632. Name: Burnadette Carrion, Age: teenager, Phone: (6) 9846-1747.
This 17 yrs old male, presented with chest heaviness that started during a pick-up basketball game. This teenager male, presented with chest heaviness that started during a pick-up basketball game.
Mark Smith, aged 55, and his daughter (7) Mary were involved in an accident during their travel. Cleve Dale, adult, and his daughter (child) Mary were involved in an accident during their travel.

Enhancing Date Obfuscation Control with the setKeepYear Parameter in Deidentification Annotator to Allow year Info Intact

The setKeepYear parameter to improve date obfuscation controls. This feature allows users to decide whether to retain the year in date entities while obfuscating the month and day. The default setting is False.

  • True, the year remains unchanged, ensuring consistency in data that relies on year-specific information.
  • False, the entire date, including the year, will be modified.


obfuscation = DeIdentification()\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner_subentity_chunk"]) \
    .setOutputCol("deidentified") \
    .setObfuscateRefSource("faker") \

.setKeepYear(False) Result:

sentence deidentified
Hendrickson, Ora, Record date: 2023-01-01, Age: 25 . Delle Ferdinand, Record date: 2023-02-10, Age: 35 .
He was admitted to hospital for cystectomy on 12/31/2022. He was admitted to hospital for cystectomy on 02/09/2023.

.setKeepYear(True) Result:

sentence deidentified
Hendrickson, Ora, Record date: 2023-01-01, Age: 25 . Lenord Radon, Record date: 2023-02-07, Age: 31 .
He was admitted to hospital for cystectomy on 12/31/2022. He was admitted to hospital for cystectomy on 02/06/2022.

As you can see, 2022 has not been changed.

Broadening Relation Extraction with Extended Scope-Windows, directionSensitive and filterByTokenDistance Parameters to Allow Further Customization and Reduce FPs

  • In RelationRxtraction, scopeWindow expands beyond the immediate tokens of target chunks. By applying a scopeWindow [X, Y], additional X tokens to the left and Y tokens to the right become crucial for feature generation, enriching contextual information essential for precise embeddings-based feature extraction.


re_model = RelationExtractionModel.pretrained("re_oncology_wip", "en", "clinical/models") \
    .setInputCols(["embeddings", "pos_tags", "ner_chunk", "dependencies"]) \
    .setOutputCol("re_oncology_results") \
  • The features directionSensitive and filterByTokenDistance have been implemented. The directionSensitive setting determines how entity relations are considered. If set to true, only relations in the form of ENTITY1-ENTITY2 are considered. If set to false, both ENTITY1-ENTITY2 and ENTITY2-ENTITY1 relations are considered. The filterByTokenDistance setting is a criterion for filtering based on the number of tokens between entities. The model only identifies relations where the entities are separated by fewer than the specified number of tokens.

directionSensitive Example:

re_ner_chunk_filter = RENerChunksFilter() \
    .setInputCols(["ner_chunk", "dependencies"])\
    .setRelationPairs(["test-problem", #"problem-test"
                       "treatment-problem", #"problem-treatment"

redl_model = RelationExtractionDLModel.pretrained("redl_clinical_biobert", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["re_ner_chunk", "sentence"])\

text = ''' She was treated with a five-day course of amoxicillin for a respiratory tract infection.
She was on metformin, glipizide, and dapagliflozin for T2DM and additionally atorvastatin and gemfibrozil for HTG.
However, serum chemistry obtained six hours after presentation revealed the anion gap was still elevated at 21, serum bicarbonate was 16 mmol/L, and lipase was 52 U/L.
The β-hydroxybutyrate level was found to be elevated at 5.29 mmol/L - the original sample was centrifuged and the chylomicron layer was removed before analysis due to interference from turbidity caused by lipemia again.

directionSensitive Result:

sentence entity1_begin entity1_end chunk1 entity1 entity2_begin entity2_end chunk2 entity2 relation confidence
0 43 53 amoxicillin TREATMENT 59 87 a respiratory tract infection PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.998835
1 101 109 metformin TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.995263
1 101 109 metformin TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.749655
1 112 120 glipizide TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.993901
1 112 120 glipizide TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.839519
1 127 139 dapagliflozin TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.99619
1 127 139 dapagliflozin TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.984917
1 167 178 atorvastatin TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.935767
1 184 194 gemfibrozil TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.983878
2 214 228 serum chemistry TEST 295 308 still elevated PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.997158
2 277 289 the anion gap TEST 295 308 still elevated PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.989831
3 373 399 The β-hydroxybutyrate level TEST 417 424 elevated PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.996874
3 373 399 The β-hydroxybutyrate level TEST 540 551 interference PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.964988
3 373 399 The β-hydroxybutyrate level TEST 558 566 turbidity PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.972585
3 373 399 The β-hydroxybutyrate level TEST 578 584 lipemia PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.976935
3 524 531 analysis TEST 558 566 turbidity PROBLEM Test_Performed_Problem 0.537359
3 524 531 analysis TEST 578 584 lipemia PROBLEM Test_Performed_Problem 0.850083

filterByTokenDistance Example:

re_ner_chunk_filter = RENerChunksFilter() \
    .setInputCols(["ner_chunk", "dependencies"])\
    .setRelationPairs(["test-problem", #"problem-test"
                       "treatment-problem", #"problem-treatment"

redl_model = RelationExtractionDLModel.pretrained("redl_clinical_biobert", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["re_ner_chunk", "sentence"])\

text = ''' She was treated with a five-day course of amoxicillin for a respiratory tract infection.
She was on metformin, glipizide, and dapagliflozin for T2DM and additionally atorvastatin and gemfibrozil for HTG.
However, serum chemistry obtained six hours after presentation revealed the anion gap was still elevated at 21, serum bicarbonate was 16 mmol/L, and lipase was 52 U/L.
The β-hydroxybutyrate level was found to be elevated at 5.29 mmol/L - the original sample was centrifuged and the chylomicron layer was removed before analysis due to interference from turbidity caused by lipemia again.

filterByTokenDistance Result:

sentence entity1_begin entity1_end chunk1 entity1 entity2_begin entity2_end chunk2 entity2 relation confidence
0 43 53 amoxicillin TREATMENT 59 87 a respiratory tract infection PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.99
1 101 109 metformin TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.99
1 112 120 glipizide TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.99
1 127 139 dapagliflozin TREATMENT 145 148 T2DM PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.99
1 167 178 atorvastatin TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.94
1 184 194 gemfibrozil TREATMENT 200 202 HTG PROBLEM Treatment_Administered_Problem 0.98
2 277 289 the anion gap TEST 295 308 still elevated PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.98
3 373 399 The β-hydroxybutyrate level TEST 417 424 elevated PROBLEM Test_Revealed_Problem 0.99
3 524 531 analysis TEST 558 566 turbidity PROBLEM Test_Performed_Problem 0.54
3 524 531 analysis TEST 578 584 lipemia PROBLEM Test_Performed_Problem 0.85

please see the blogpost Next-Level Relation Extraction in Healthcare NLP: Introducing New Directional and Contextual Features

Enhancing Rule-Based Annotators with the ner_source Field for Improved Chunk Tracking and Prioritization

Enhancing rule-based annotators such as ContextualParser, TextMatcherInternal, RegexMatcherInternal, and EntityRulerInternal with ner_source field for improved chunk tracking and prioritization

We have enhanced rule-based annotators, including ContextualParser, TextMatcherInternal, RegexMatcherInternal, and EntityRulerInternal, by adding the ner_source field. This improvement allows for better chunk tracking and prioritization, enabling clients to trace the origin of chunks effectively. Additionally, with the ner_source field, NerConverterInternal and ChunkMergerApproach can now prioritize chunks using the .setChunkPrecedence("ner_source") method, leading to more accurate and efficient entity recognition and handling.


regex_matcher_internal = RegexMatcherInternal()\
    .setExternalRules(path='./rules/regex_rules.txt', delimiter='~')

entityExtractor = TextMatcherInternal()\
    .setInputCols(["document", "token"])\

entityRuler = EntityRulerInternalApproach()\
    .setInputCols(["document", "token"])\

text = """ Name: John Smith, Record date: 2093-01-13, MR #719435, John's doctor prescribed aspirin for his heart condition, along with paracetamol for his fever and headache, amoxicillin for his tonsilitis."""


chunk begin end entity ner_source
2093-01-13 32 41 DATE regex_matches
aspirin 81 87 Drug matched_text
heart condition 97 111 Disease entities
paracetamol 125 135 Drug matched_text
fever 145 149 Symptom entities
headache 155 162 Symptom entities
amoxicillin 165 175 Drug matched_text
tonsilitis 185 194 Disease entities

Introduction of a new parameter dataSetInfo to store dataset details for AssertionDL and GenericClassifier for Traceability

The parameters from the Approach class, utilized during model training, have been added into the Model class. These values are now directly stored within the model itself. Additionally, a new parameter named “dataSetInfo”(details regarding the dataset) has been added for AssertionDL and GenericClassifier.


scope_window = [10,10]

assertionStatus = AssertionDLApproach()\
    .setInputCols("document", "chunk", "embeddings")\

# save trained model and load 
clinical_assertion = AssertionDLModel.load("./assertion_custom_model") \
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "ner_chunk", "embeddings"]) \

!cat ./assertion_custom_model/metadata/part-00000


    "paramMap": {
        "startCol": "start",
        "inputCols": ["document","chunk","embeddings"],
        "learningRate": 0.0010000000474974513,
        "outputLogsPath": "training_logs/",
        "storageRef": "clinical",
        "maxSentLen": 250,
        "scopeWindow": [10,10],
        "endCol": "end",
        "label": "label",
        "enableOutputLogs": true,
        "batchSize": 64,
        "includeConfidence": true,
        "graphFile": "./tf_graphs/assertion_graph.pb",
        "epochs": 5,
        "dropout": 0.10000000149011612,
        "graphFolder": "./tf_graphs",
        "outputCol": "assertion",
        "validationSplit": 0.20000000298023224,
        "datasetInfo": "i2b2_assertion_sample_short_dataset"

Converting Visual NER Annotations to CoNLL Format for Training Text-Based NER Models with Visual Annotations

This module converts Visual NER annotations into the CoNLL format using the JohnSnowLabs NLP Lab. By processing an NLP Lab-exported JSON file containing Visual NER results, it generates a CoNLL file that is suitable for training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models.


# Import the module
from sparknlp_jsl.alab import AnnotationLab
alab = AnnotationLab()

# Download sample Visual NER result JSON file
!wget -q 

# Convert Visual NER annotations to CoNLL format
df = alab.get_conll_data_from_visualner(
    input_json_path = "alab_visualner_result.json",
    output_name = "visual_ner.conll",
    save_dir  = "exported_conll"

Performance Analysis of Deidentification Pipelines on Clinical Texts in a Cluster Environment

  • Deidentification Pipelines Benchmarks

    This benchmark provides valuable insights into the efficiency and scalability of deidentification pipelines in different computational environments.

    • Dataset: 100000 Clinical Texts from MTSamples, approx. 508 tokens and 26.44 chunks per text.
    • Versions:[May-2024]
      • spark-nlp Version: v5.3.2
      • spark-nlp-jsl Version: v5.3.2
      • Spark Version: v3.4.0
    • Instance Type:
      • DataBricks Config:
        • 32 CPU Core, 128GiB RAM (8 worker) (2.7 $/hr)\
        data_count partition Databricks
        100000 512 1h 42m 55s
      • AWS EC2 instance Config: - 8 CPU cores, 58GiB RAM (r6a.2xlarge $0.4536/h)

        data_count partition AWS
        100000 512 3h 3m 40
  • Deidentification Pipelines Speed Comparison

    This benchmark presents a detailed comparison of various deidentification pipelines applied to a dataset of 10,000 custom clinical texts, aiming to anonymize sensitive information for research and analysis. The comparison evaluates the elapsed time and processing stages of different deidentification pipelines. Each pipeline is characterized by its unique combination of Named Entity Recognition (NER), deidentification methods, rule-based NER, clinical embeddings, and chunk merging processes.

    • Dataset: 10K Custom Clinical Texts with 1024 partitions, approx. 500 tokens and 14 chunks per text.
    • Versions:
      • spark-nlp Version: v5.3.1
      • spark-nlp-jsl Version: v5.3.1
      • Spark Version: v3.4.0
    • Instance Type:
      • 8 CPU Cores 52GiB RAM (Colab Pro - High RAM)
Deidentification Pipeline Name Elapsed Time Stages
clinical_deidentification_subentity_optimized 67 min 44 seconds 1 NER, 1 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 2 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_generic_optimized 68 min 31 seconds 1 NER, 1 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 2 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_generic 86 min 24 seconds 1 NER, 4 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 2 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_subentity 99 min 41 seconds 1 NER, 4 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 2 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification 117 min 44 seconds 2 NER, 1 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 3 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_nameAugmented 134 min 27 seconds 2 NER, 4 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 3 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_glove 146 min 51 seconds 2 NER, 4 Deidentification, 8 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 3 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_obfuscation_small 147 min 06 seconds 1 NER, 1 Deidentification, 2 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 1 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_slim 154 min 37 seconds 2 NER, 4 Deidentification, 15 Rule-based NER, 1 glove embedding, 3 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_multi_mode_output 154 min 50 seconds 2 NER, 4 Deidentification, 13 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 3 chunk merger
clinical_deidentification_obfuscation_medium 205 min 40 seconds 2 NER, 1 Deidentification, 2 Rule-based NER, 1 clinical embedding, 1 chunk merger

PS: The reasons pipelines with the same stages have different costs are due to the layers of the NER model and the hardcoded regexes in Deidentification.

Please check Deidentification Benchmarks for more detail

New Blogposts on Relation Extraction, MedDRA, Response to Treatment, and Pretrained Pipelines.

Various Core Improvements: Bug Fixes, Enhanced Overall Robustness, and Reliability of Spark NLP for Healthcare

  • Added training params to trainable annotators within the metadata of the trained models
  • Updated Risk Adjustment module with V28Y24
  • Resolved index issue in AssertionChunkConverter annotator and AnnotationLab.get_assertion_data modules
  • Resolved saving issue in Flattener annotator

Updated Notebooks And Demonstrations For making Spark NLP For Healthcare Easier To Navigate And Understand

We Have Added And Updated A Substantial Number Of New Clinical Models And Pipelines, Further Solidifying Our Offering In The Healthcare Domain.

  • meddra_llt_snomed_mapper
  • snomed_meddra_llt_mapper
  • explain_clinical_doc_sdoh
  • explain_clinical_doc_oncology
  • explain_clinical_doc_granular
  • explain_clinical_doc_mental_health
  • ner_medication_generic_pipeline
  • ner_deid_context_augmented_pipeline
  • ner_deid_generic_context_augmented_pipeline
  • ner_deid_subentity_context_augmented_pipeline
  • biolordresolve_rxnorm_augmented
  • biolordresolve_umls_general_concepts
  • biolordresolve_icd10cm_augmented_billable_hcc
  • sbiobertresolve_snomed_veterinary_wip
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_general_concepts
  • biolordresolve_avg_rxnorm_augmented
  • biolordresolve_snomed_findings_aux_concepts
  • biolordresolve_cpt_procedures_measurements_augmented
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_disease_syndrome
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_findings
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_major_concepts
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_clinical_drugs
  • sbiobertresolve_umls_drug_substance
  • sbiobertresolve_icd9

For all Spark NLP for Healthcare models, please check: Models Hub Page


Last updated