Spark NLP for Healthcare Release Notes 5.4.1




We are delighted to announce remarkable enhancements and updates in our latest release of Spark NLP for Healthcare. This release comes with 9 new Large Language Models (LLMs), a brand new LargeFewShotClassifier annotator, and 31 new and updated clinical pretrained models and pipelines.

  • Explore 9 new specialized LLMs at various sizes and quantization levels for healthcare applications (medical note summarization, Q&A, RAG, and Chat)
  • Introducing 7 new oncological text classification models to detect documents mentioning metastasis, therapy, and other oncology terms.
  • Introducing a new oncology NER model to detect 6 main cancer types and 5 crucial contexts for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
  • Introducing a new stigmatization NER model to identify and categorize stigmatizing language in medical records by extracting entities related to patient behavior, demeanor, and healthcare provider attitudes.
  • New rule-based entity matcher models to customize De-Identification pipelines.
  • 3 new Entity Resolver models for associate clinical entities with RxNorm codes.
  • Introducing the new LargeFewShotClassifierModel annotator and 2 new classification models (age group detection and drug adverse event classification) that are trained with small datasets while achieving comparable performance to the models trained with larger datasets.
  • Introducing the DocumentFiltererByNER annotator to filter out the documents and sentences having certain types of named entities within the same pipeline.
  • Introducing a brand new Mapper2Chunk annotator to create a new chunk type from any mapper.
  • Introducing new setConfidenceCalculationDirection parameter for ContextualAssertion (rule-based context aware assertion status detection) to allow direction-sensitive confidence score calculation
  • Introducing a new dict_to_annotation_converter module for converting dictionary data to Spark NLP annotations (e.g. allowing deidentification and obfuscation over a list of entities within a JSON format such as GenAI annotations)
  • New blog posts on identifying named entities in medical text with Zero-Shot learning
  • Various core improvements; bug fixes, enhanced overall robustness and reliability of Spark NLP for Healthcare
    • Enhanced metadata information with the setMetadataFields field for AssertionChunkConverter
    • Added new date format for deidentification
    • Added new parameters for the Replacer annotator to allow replacing any type of entities in a text with any other phrase or placeholder (e.g. replace all the drug generic names with drug brand names, etc.)
    • Added document_id info and confidence scores for resolutions and assertions fields to the PipelineOutputParser module
    • Resolved Flattener NullPointerException; if the column is empty, the Flattener returns empty columns instead of throwing an exception.
    • Resolved the AssertionMerger loading issue; an exception was thrown when attempting to load the AssertionMerger model.
  • Updated notebooks and demonstrations for making Spark NLP for Healthcare easier to navigate and understand
  • The addition and update of numerous new clinical models and pipelines continue to reinforce our offering in the healthcare domain

These enhancements will elevate your experience with Spark NLP for Healthcare, enabling more efficient, accurate, and streamlined analysis of healthcare-related natural language data.

Explore 9 New Specialized LLMs at Various Sizes and Quantisation Levels for Healthcare Applications (Medical Note Summarization, Q&A, RAG, and Chat)

Discover nine newly released large language models designed to tackle various tasks in the healthcare domain. These models include capabilities for summarization, question answering, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), chat functionalities, and medical named entity recognition (NER). Each model is optimized with different quantization levels (q16, q8, q4) to balance performance and efficiency, catering to specific needs in medical data processing and analysis. Whether you need detailed summaries, precise Q&A, or accurate entity extraction, these models offer advanced solutions for healthcare professionals and researchers.

Model Name Description
JSL_MedM_q16_v2 Summarization, Q&A, RAG, and Chat
JSL_MedM_q8_v2 Summarization, Q&A, RAG, and Chat
JSL_MedM_q4_v2 Summarization, Q&A, RAG, and Chat
JSL_MedS_RAG_q16_v1 LLM component of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
JSL_MedS_RAG_q8_v1 LLM component of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
JSL_MedS_RAG_q4_v1 LLM component of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
JSL_MedS_NER_q16_v2 Extract and link medical named entities
JSL_MedS_NER_q8_v2 Extract and link medical named entities
JSL_MedS_NER_q4_v2 Extract and link medical named entities

We recommend using 8b quantized versions of the models in a GPU-poor environment as the qualitative performance difference between q16 and q8 versions is very negligible.

Note: Our current LLM loader implementation based on llama.cpp may lag behind when it comes to inference speed and output quality on certain use cases. We have other means of serving these models outside of the Healthcare NLP library and users are advised to get in touch with us if there is such a need.


from sparknlp_jsl.llm import LLMLoader

llm_loader_pretrained = LLMLoader(spark).pretrained("jsl_medm_q16_v2", "en", "clinical/models")

prompt = """
A 23-year-old pregnant woman at 22 weeks gestation presents with burning upon urination. She states it started 1 day ago and has been worsening despite drinking more water and taking cranberry extract. She otherwise feels well and is followed by a doctor for her pregnancy. Her temperature is 97.7°F (36.5°C), blood pressure is 122/77 mmHg, pulse is 80/min, respirations are 19/min, and oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. Physical exam is notable for an absence of costovertebral angle tenderness and a gravid uterus.
Which of the following is the best treatment for this patient?
A: Ampicillin
B: Ceftriaxone
C: Ciprofloxacin
D: Doxycycline
E: Nitrofurantoin"""



Answer: E. Nitrofurantoin. This is the best treatment for that patient.

Please check the LLMLoader Notebook for more information

Introducing 7 New Oncological Text Classification Models to Detect Documents Mentioning Metastasis, Therapy, and Other Oncology Terms

Explore 7 new state-of-the-art oncological text classification models designed to identify and categorize clinical sentences related to metastasis, oncology, and therapy. Each model is tailored for specific tasks, such as identifying metastasis-related terms or broader oncology and therapy concepts in clinical narratives.

Predicted Classes:

  • True: Contains therapy-related terms.
  • False: Doesn’t contain therapy-related terms.
Model Name Description Predicted Classes
bert_sequence_classifier_metastasis a metastasis classification model that can determine whether clinical sentences include terms related to metastasis or not. 0, 1
classifierdl_metastasis a metastasis classification model that determines whether clinical sentences include terms related to metastasis. True, False
generic_classifier_metastasis a metastasis classification model that determines whether clinical sentences include terms related to metastasis. True, False
generic_logreg_classifier_metastasis trained with the Generic Classifier annotator and the Logistic Regression algorithm and classifies text/sentence into two categories. True, False
generic_svm_classifier_metastasis trained with the Generic Classifier annotator and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and classifies text/sentence into two categories. True, False
generic_classifier_oncology an oncology classification model that determines whether clinical sentences include terms related to oncology. True, False
generic_classifier_therapy a therapy classification model that determines whether clinical sentences include terms related to therapy. True, False


sequenceClassifier = MedicalBertForSequenceClassification\
    .pretrained("bert_sequence_classifier_metastasis", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", 'token'])\

sample_texts =[
    ["Contrast MRI confirmed the findings of meningeal carcinomatosis."],
    ["A 62-year-old male presents with weight loss, persistent cough, and episodes of hemoptysis."],
    ["The primary tumor (T) is staged as T3 due to its size and local invasion, there is no nodal involvement (N0), and due to multiple bone and liver lesions, it is classified as M1, reflecting distant metastatic foci."] ,
    ["After all procedures done and reviewing the findings, biochemical results and screening, the TNM classification is determined."],
    ["The oncologist noted that the tumor had spread to the liver, indicating advanced stage cancer."],
    ["The patient's care plan is adjusted to focus on symptom management and slowing the progression of the disease."]

# `1`: Contains metastasis-related terms.
# `0`: Doesn't contain metastasis-related terms.


text result
Contrast MRI confirmed the findings of meningeal carcinomatosis. 1
A 62-year-old male presents with weight loss, persistent cough, and episodes of hemoptysis. 0
The primary tumor (T) is staged as T3 due to its size and local invasion, there is no nodal invol… 1
After all procedures done and reviewing the findings, biochemical results and screening, the TNM … 0
The oncologist noted that the tumor had spread to the liver, indicating advanced stage cancer. 1
The patient’s care plan is adjusted to focus on symptom management and slowing the progression of… 0

Please check the Oncology_Model Notebook for more information

Introducing a New Oncology NER Model to Detect 6 Main Cancer Types and 5 Crucial Contexts for Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

his Named Entity Recognition (NER) model is specifically trained to extract critical information from clinical and biomedical text related to oncology. The model recognizes 6 main cancer types and 5 crucial contexts for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.:

  • CNS Tumor Type: Tumors originating in the central nervous system, including brain and spinal cord tumors.
  • Carcinoma Type: Cancers arising from epithelial cells, which are the most common type of cancer, including breast, lung, and colorectal carcinomas.
  • Leukemia Type: Cancers of the blood and bone marrow, characterized by the abnormal proliferation of white blood cells.
  • Lymphoma Type: Cancers of the lymphatic system, affecting lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell), including Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
  • Melanoma: A type of skin cancer originating from melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment.
  • Sarcoma Type: Cancers arising from connective tissues, such as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, or vascular tissues.
  • Metastasis: Recognizes terms related to the spread of cancer to different parts of the body, including mentions of metastatic sites and related clinical descriptions.
  • Biomarker: Extracts entities related to cancer biomarkers, including genetic markers, protein levels, and other measurable indicators used for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response.
  • Biomarker_Quant: Extracts numerical measurements or values associated with the biomarker.
  • Biomarker_Result: Extracts descriptive or categorical assessments of the biomarker status.
  • Body Site: Knowing the primary site of the tumor is essential for diagnosis and treatment planning. The body site where the cancer originates often determines the type of cancer and influences therapeutic approaches.
Model Name Description Predicted Entities
ner_cancer_types_wip This Named Entity Recognition (NER) model is specifically trained to recognize 6 main cancer types, body sites, biomarkers, and their results. CNS_Tumor_Type, Carcinoma_Type, Leukemia_Type, Lymphoma_Type, Melanoma, Sarcoma_Type, Metastasis, Body_Site, Biomarker, Biomarker_Quant, Biomarker_Result

This model achieves 0.92 accuracy and 0.91 macro F1 across 11 entities


ner_model = MedicalNerModel.pretrained('ner_cancer_types_wip', "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

sample_texts = """
Patient A, a 55-year-old female, presented with carcinoma in the left breast. A biopsy revealed an elevated HER2. The patient also showed a slightly elevated CA 15-3 level at 45 U/mL. Follow-up imaging revealed metastasis to the axillary lymph nodes, and further scans indicated small metastatic lesions in the liver.
Additionally, imaging of the patient's lower back indicated a possible sarcoma. Subsequent tests identified elevated levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), with a result of 580 IU/L (normal range: 140-280 IU/L), and a biopsy confirmed metastasis to the lungs.
Routine bloodwork revealed a mild increase in B2M (Beta-2 microglobulin), suggestive of possible lymphoma, and a normal range for hemoglobin and white blood cells, ruling out leukemia. CNS involvement was ruled out as imaging did not indicate any anomalies.
For melanoma screening, a suspicious mole on the patient's arm was biopsied, and tests confirmed a BRAF V600E mutation. Further imaging revealed metastatic spread to the lungs and liver.


ner_chunk begin end ner_label
carcinoma 49 57 Carcinoma_Type
breast 71 76 Body_Site
elevated 100 107 Biomarker_Result
HER2 109 112 Biomarker
elevated 150 157 Biomarker_Result
CA 15-3 159 165 Biomarker
45 U/mL 176 182 Biomarker_Quant
metastasis 212 221 Metastasis
axillary lymph nodes 230 249 Body_Site
metastatic 286 295 Metastasis
liver 312 316 Body_Site
sarcoma 391 397 Sarcoma_Type
elevated 428 435 Biomarker_Result
LDH 470 472 Biomarker
580 IU/L 493 500 Biomarker_Quant
metastasis 555 564 Metastasis
lungs 573 577 Body_Site
B2M 627 629 Biomarker
lymphoma 678 685 Lymphoma_Type
leukemia 756 763 Leukemia_Type
CNS 766 768 Body_Site
melanoma 844 851 Melanoma
arm 899 901 Body_Site
BRAF 939 942 Biomarker
mutation 950 957 Biomarker_Result
metastatic 985 994 Metastasis
lungs 1010 1014 Body_Site
liver 1020 1024 Body_Site

Please check the Oncology_Model Notebook for more information

This NER model identifies and categorizes stigmatizing language in medical records by extracting entities related to patient behavior, demeanor, and healthcare provider attitudes, aiming to assess and mitigate the impact of such language on patient care.

Model Name Description Predicted Entities
ner_stigmatization_wip This Named Entity Recognition (NER) model is specifically trained to extract critical information from clinical text related to stigmatization. This model aims to systematically collect and analyze data on stigmatizing language found in patients’ medical records. Aggressive, Argumentative, Calm, Resistant, Credibility_Doubts, Suspected_DSB, Compliant, Noncompliant, Collaborative_Decision_Making, Neglected_Appearance, Paternalistic_Tone, Poor_Reasoning, Poor_Decision_Making, Other_Discriminatory_Language, Positive_Descriptors, Positive_Assessment, Disoriented, Test, Treatment, Problem

This model achieves 0.91 accuracy and 0.89 macro F1 across 11 entities


ner_model = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_stigmatization_wip", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

sample_texts = """During his hospital stay, David Brown's reluctance to seek care and resistance to necessary treatments highlighted the significant impact of poor reasoning and judgment on his health outcomes. His confrontational attitude and frequent defensiveness during discussions about his treatment plan revealed the deep-seated anxieties he harbored about his health. Despite these challenges, the healthcare team made concerted efforts to educate him on the importance of adhering to his prescribed regimen and attending regular follow-up appointments. However, Mr. Brown often fixated on incorrect beliefs, insisting that his symptoms were solely due to stress, which further complicated his care."""


chunk begin end ner_label
reluctance 40 49 Resistant
resistance 68 77 Resistant
treatments 92 101 TREATMENT
poor reasoning and judgment 141 167 Poor_Reasoning
confrontational 197 211 Argumentative
defensiveness 235 247 Argumentative
the deep-seated anxieties 302 326 PROBLEM
adhering 463 470 Compliant
his prescribed regimen 475 496 TREATMENT
insisting 599 607 Credibility_Doubts
his symptoms 614 625 PROBLEM
stress 646 651 PROBLEM

New Rule-Based Entity Matcher Models to Customize De-Identification Pipelines

We introduce a suite of text and regex matchers, specifically designed to enhance the deidentification and clinical document understanding process with rule-based methods.

Model Name Description Predicted Entities
email_matcher This model extracts emails in clinical notes using rule-based RegexMatcherInternal annotator. EMAIL
url_matcher This model extracts URLs in clinical notes using rule-based RegexMatcherInternal annotator. URL
ip_matcher This model extracts IP Addresses in clinical notes using rule-based RegexMatcherInternal annotator. IP


email_regex_matcher = RegexMatcherInternalModel.pretrained("email_matcher", "en", "clinical/models") \

url_regex_matcher = RegexMatcherInternalModel.pretrained("url_matcher", "en", "clinical/models") \

ip_regex_matcher = RegexMatcherInternalModel.pretrained("ip_matcher", "en", "clinical/models") \

text = """
Name: David Hale, ID: 1231511863, Driver's License No: A334455B, SSN: 324-59-8674. E-mail:
Access the router at for configuration. Please connect to to access the database.
For more details, visit our website at or check out for general info.
Visit for more information. File transfers can be done via


chunk begin end ner_label ner_source 92 105 EMAIL email_chunk 136 146 IP ip_chunk 185 192 IP ip_chunk 257 276 URL url_chunk 291 322 URL url_chunk 355 367 IP ip_chunk 422 444 URL url_chunk

3 New Sentence Entity Resolver Models for Associate Clinical Entities with RxNorm Codes

Introducing 3 new Sentence Entity Resolver Models sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2, biolordresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2, and biolordresolve_avg_rxnorm_augmented_v2 help to map medical entities to RXNORM codes.

Model Name Description
sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2 This model maps clinical entities and concepts (like drugs/ingredients) to RxNorm codes using sbiobert_base_cased_mli Sentence Bert Embeddings.
biolordresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2 This model maps clinical entities and concepts (like drugs/ingredients) to RxNorm codes using mpnet_embeddings_biolord_2023_c embeddings.
biolordresolve_avg_rxnorm_augmented_v2 This model maps clinical entities and concepts (like drugs/ingredients) to RxNorm codes using mpnet_embeddings_biolord_2023 embeddings.


rxnorm_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence_embeddings"]) \

text= "The patient was prescribed aspirin and an Albuterol inhaler, two puffs every 4 hours as needed for asthma. He was seen by the endocrinology service and she was discharged on Coumadin 5 mg with meals and metformin 1000 mg two times a day and Lisinopril 10 mg daily"


ner_chunk entity RxNormCode resolutions all_k_resolutions all_k_results all_k_distances all_k_aux_labels
aspirin DRUG 1191 aspirin[aspirin] aspirin[aspirin]:::aspirin Oral Powder Product:::YS… 1191:::1295740:::405403:::218266:… 0.0000:::4.1826:::5.7007:::6.0877:::6…. Ingredient:::Clinical Dose Group:::Brand Name…
Albuterol inhaler DRUG 745678 albuterol Metered Dose Inhaler[albuterol Metered Dose Inhaler] albuterol Metered Dose Inhaler[albuterol Metered Do… 745678:::2108226:::1154602:::2108… 4.9847:::5.1028:::5.4746:::5.7809:::6…. Clinical Drug Form:::Clinical Drug Form:::Cli…
Coumadin 5 mg DRUG 855333 warfarin sodium 5 MG [Coumadin] warfarin sodium 5 MG [Coumadin]:::coumarin 5 MG[cou… 855333:::438740:::153692:::352120… 0.0000:::4.0885:::5.3065:::5.5132:::5…. Branded Drug Comp:::Clinical Drug Comp:::Bran…
metformin 1000 mg DRUG 316255 metformin 1000 MG[metformin 1000 MG] metformin 1000 MG[metformin 1000 MG]:::metformin hy… 316255:::860995:::860997:::861014… 0.0000:::5.2988:::5.9071:::6.3066:::6…. Clinical Drug Comp:::Clinical Drug Comp:::Bra…
Lisinopril 10 mg DRUG 316151 lisinopril 10 MG[lisinopril 10 MG] lisinopril 10 MG[lisinopril 10 MG]:::lisinopril 10 … 316151:::567576:::565846:::393444… 0.0000:::3.6543:::4.2783:::4.2805:::4…. Clinical Drug Comp:::Branded Drug Comp:::Bran…

Introducing the New LargeFewShotClassifierModel Annotator and 2 New Classification Models (Age Group Detection and Drug Adverse Event Classification) That are Trained with Small Datasets While Achieving Comparable Performance to The Models Trained with Larger Datasets

The new LargeFewShotClassifierModel annotator is designed to work effectively with minimal labeled data, offering flexibility and adaptability to new, unseen classes. Key parameters include batch size, case sensitivity, and maximum sentence length. The release includes two new classification models:

Model Name Description Predicted Entities Benchmarking
large_fewshot_classifier_age_group Identifies and classifies tweets reporting Adverse Drug Events (ADEs), learning effectively from minimal labeled examples and adapting to new, unseen classes. ADE, noADE Achieves 0.90 accuracy and 0.81 macro F1 across 3 entities
large_fewshot_classifier_ade Identifies and classifies the age group of a person mentioned in health documents, learning effectively from minimal labeled examples and adapting to new, unseen classes. Adult, Child, Unknown Achieves 0.89 accuracy and 0.81 macro F1 across 3 entities


large_few_shot_classifier = LargeFewShotClassifierModel()\

text_list = [
    ["The patient developed severe liver toxicity after taking the medication for three weeks"],
    ["He experienced no complications during the treatment and reported feeling much better."],
    ["She experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after the administration of the new drug."],
    ["The doctor recommended a daily dosage of the vitamin supplement to improve her health."]


text result
The patient developed severe liver toxicity after taking the medication for three weeks ADE
He experienced no complications during the treatment and reported feeling much better. noADE
She experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after the administration of the new drug. ADE
The doctor recommended a daily dosage of the vitamin supplement to improve her health. noADE

Please check the LargeFewShotClassifier Notebook for more information

Introducing DocumentFiltererByNER Annotator to Filter Out the Documents and Sentences Having Certain Types of Named Entities within the Same Pipeline

The DocumentFiltererByNER annotator returns sentences containing the entity chunks you have filtered, allowing you to see only the sentences with the entities you want. It is particularly useful for extracting and organizing the results obtained from Spark NLP Pipelines.

Key Parameters:

  • blackList: If defined, list of entities to ignore. The rest will be processed.
  • whiteList: If defined, list of entities to process. The rest will be ignored.
  • caseSensitive: Determines whether the definitions of the white-listed and black-listed entities are case sensitive or not.
  • outputAsDocument: Whether to return all sentences joined into a single document. (default: False).
  • joinString: This parameter specifies the string that will be inserted between results of documents when combining them into a single result if outputAsDocument is set to True (default is: “ “).


filterer = medical.DocumentFiltererByNER() \
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "ner_chunk"]) \
    .setOutputCol("filterer") \
    .setJoinString(" ")

spark_df = spark.createDataFrame([
    [1,"Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness."],
    [2,"Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the disease and how the virus spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by staying at least 1 metre apart from others, wearing a properly fitted mask, and washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub frequently."],
    [3, "Get vaccinated when it’s your turn and follow local guidance. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. It is important to practice respiratory etiquette, for example by coughing into a flexed elbow, and to stay home and self-isolate until you recover if you feel unwell."]

Input DataFrame:

idx sent_id sentence ner_chunk ner_label
1 0 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. [‘Coronavirus disease’, ‘infectious disease’] [‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’]
1 1 Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. [‘infected’, ‘virus’, ‘mild’, ‘moderate’, ‘respiratory illness’] [‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘Modifier’, ‘Modifier’, ‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’]
1 2 However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. [‘ill’] [‘Symptom’]
1 3 Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cance… [‘cardiovascular disease’, ‘diabetes’, ‘chronic’, ‘respiratory disease’, ‘cancer’] [‘Heart_Disease’, ‘Diabetes’, ‘Modifier’, ‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘Oncological’]
2 0 Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age. [‘COVID-19’, ‘ill’] [‘Drug_Ingredient’, ‘Symptom’]
2 1 The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the disease and how the virus spreads. nan nan
2 2 Protect yourself and others from infection by staying at least 1 metre apart from others, wearing a properly fitted mask, and washing … [‘infection’, ‘hands’, ‘alcohol-based rub’, ‘frequently’] [‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘External_body_part_or_region’, ‘Medical_Device’, ‘Modifier’]
3 0 Get vaccinated when it’s your turn and follow local guidance. nan nan
3 1 Stay home if you feel unwell. [‘unwell’] [‘Symptom’]
3 2 If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. [‘fever’, ‘cough’, ‘difficulty breathing’] [‘VS_Finding’, ‘Symptom’, ‘Symptom’]
3 3 The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. [‘infected person’s mouth’, ‘nose’, ‘cough’, ‘sneeze’, ‘sing or breathe’] [‘Disease_Syndrome_Disorder’, ‘External_body_part_or_region’, ‘Symptom’, ‘Symptom’, ‘Symptom’]
3 4 These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. nan nan
3 5 It is important to practice respiratory etiquette, for example by coughing into a flexed elbow, and to stay home and self-isolate unti… [‘coughing into a flexed elbow’, ‘unwell’] [‘Symptom’, ‘Symptom’]

Result after filtering:

idx metadata result
1 [{‘sentence’: ‘0’}, {‘sentence’: ‘1’}, {‘sentence’: ‘3’}] [‘Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.’, ‘Most people infected with the virus will exp…
2 [{‘sentence’: ‘2’}] [‘Protect yourself and others from infection by staying at least 1 metre apart from others, wearing a properly fitted mask, and washing y…
3 [{‘sentence’: ‘3’}] [‘The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe.’]

Please check the DocumentFiltererByNER Notebook for more information

Introducing a Brand New Mapper2Chunk Annotator to Create a New Chunk Type from any Mapper

The Mapper2Chunk annotator converts ‘LABELED_DEPENDENCY’ type annotations coming from ChunkMapper into ‘CHUNK’ type to create a new chunk-type column, compatible with annotators that use chunk type as input.

Key Parameter:

  • FilterNoneValues: Whether to filter ‘NONE’ values. The default is false.


ner_converter = NerConverterInternal() \
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner"]) \

chunkMapper = ChunkMapperModel.pretrained("drug_action_treatment_mapper", "en", "clinical/models") \
    .setInputCols(["ner_chunk"]) \
    .setOutputCol("relations") \

mapper2chunk = Mapper2Chunk() \
    .setInputCols(["relations"]) \
    .setOutputCol("chunk") \

text = """Patient resting in bed. Patient given azithromycin without any difficulty. Patient denies nausea at this time. Zofran declined. Patient is also having intermittent sweating"""

Input DataFrame:

result annotatorType
[bactericidal, antiemetic, anti-abstinence, NONE, NONE] [labeled_dependency, labeled_dependency, labeled_dependency, labeled_dependency, labeled_dependency]

Result after mapper2chunk:

result annotatorType
[bactericidal, antiemetic, anti-abstinence] [chunk, chunk, chunk]

Introducing new setConfidenceCalculationDirection Parameter for ContextualAssertion (Rule Based Context-Aware Assertion Status Detection) to Allow Direction-Sensitive Confidence Score Calculation

The setConfidenceCalculationDirection parameter in the ContextualAssertion model allows users to specify the direction (left, right, or both) for calculating assertion confidence in clinical text analysis. By default, the direction is set to “left”. This feature is easily configurable within the Spark NLP framework, providing more control over assertion confidence calculations.


contextual_assertion = ContextualAssertion()\
            .setInputCols("sentence", "token", "ner_chunk") \
            .setOutputCol("assertion") \

text = """Patient resting in bed. Patient given azithromycin without any difficulty. Patient has audible wheezing, states chest tightness.
No evidence of hypertension. Patient denies nausea at this time. zofran declined. Patient is also having intermittent sweating
associated with pneumonia. Patient refused pain but tylenol still given. Neither substance abuse nor alcohol use however cocaine
once used in the last year. Alcoholism unlikely. Patient has headache and fever. Patient is not diabetic. Not clearly of diarrhea.
Lab reports confirm lymphocytopenia. Cardaic rhythm is Sinus bradycardia. Patient also has a history of cardiac injury.
No kidney injury reported. No abnormal rashes or ulcers. Patient might not have liver disease. Confirmed absence of hemoptysis.
Although patient has severe pneumonia and fever, test reports are negative for COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 viral infection absent.


ner_chunk begin end confidence result
any difficulty 59 72 0.9802 absent
hypertension 149 160 0.7711 absent
nausea 178 183 0.9802 absent
zofran 199 204 0.9802 absent
pain 309 312 0.9802 absent
tylenol 318 324 0.8187 absent
Alcoholism 428 437 0.9802 absent
diabetic 496 503 0.9802 absent
kidney injury 664 676 0.9802 absent
abnormal rashes 691 705 0.9802 absent
ulcers 710 715 0.6703 absent
liver disease 741 753 0.8869 absent
hemoptysis 777 786 0.9802 absent
COVID-19 infection 873 890 0.9802 absent
viral infection 902 916 0.9802 absent

Please check the ContextualAssertion Notebook for more information

Introducing a New dict_to_annotation_converter Module for Converting Dictionary Data to Spark NLP Annotations (e.g. Allowing Deidentification and Obfuscation Over a List of Entities within a JSON Format such as GenAI Annotations)

This method converts a list of dictionaries into a Spark DataFrame with document and chunk columns compatible with Spark NLP for tasks like deidentification. The input data must include text and chunk information with specific attributes, such as start and end indices, entity types, and metadata. The method also allows customization of column names and an optional adjustment of chunk end indices.


list_of_dict = [
        "text": "My name is George, and I was born on 12/11/1995. I have the pleasure of working at John Snow Labs.",
        "chunks": [
                "begin": 11,
                "end": 16,
                "result": "George",
                "entity": "PERSON",
                "metadata": {"confidence": "1", "ner_source": "ner_deid"}
                "begin": 37,
                "end": 46,
                "result": "12/11/1995",
                "entity": "DATE",
                "metadata": {"confidence": "0.9", "ner_source": "ner_deid"}
                "begin": 83,
                "end": 96,
                "result": "John Snow labs",
                "entity": "ORG",
                "metadata": {"confidence": "0.87", "ner_source": "ner_deid"}
        "doc_id": "1",
        "file_path": "/path/to/file1"
from sparknlp_jsl.annotator import LightDeIdentification
from sparknlp_jsl.utils import *

result_df = dict_to_annotation_converter(spark, list_of_dict)"doc_id", "text","chunk").show(truncate = 100)


doc_id text chunk
1 My name is George, and I was born on 12/11/1995. I have the pleasure of working at John Snow Labs. [{chunk, 11, 16, George, {sentence -> 0, chunk -> 0, ner_source -> llm_output, entity -> PERSON, …

New Blogposts: Identifying Named Entities in Medical Text with Zero-Shot Learning

Explore the latest developments in healthcare NLP through our new blog posts, where we take a deep dive into the innovative technologies and methodologies transforming the medical field. These posts offer insights into how the latest tools are being used to analyze large amounts of unstructured data, identify critical medical assets, and extract meaningful patterns and correlations. Learn how these advances are not only improving our understanding of complex health issues but also contributing to more effective prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies.

Various Core Improvements: Bug Fixes, Enhanced Overall Robustness, and Reliability of Spark NLP for Healthcare

  • Enhanced metadata information with the setMetadataFields field for AssertionChunkConverter
  • Added new date format for deidentification
  • Added new parameters for the Replacer annotator
  • Added document_id info and confidence scores for resolutions and assertions fields to the PipelineOutputParser module
  • Resolved Flattener NullPointerException; if the column is empty, the Flattener returns empty columns instead of throwing an exception.
  • Resolved the AssertionMerger loading issue; an exception was thrown when attempting to load the AssertionMerger model.

Updated Notebooks And Demonstrations For making Spark NLP For Healthcare Easier To Navigate And Understand

We Have Added And Updated A Substantial Number Of New Clinical Models And Pipelines, Further Solidifying Our Offering In The Healthcare Domain.

  • jsl_meds_ner_q16_v2
  • jsl_meds_ner_q8_v2
  • jsl_meds_ner_q4_v2
  • jsl_meds_rag_q16_v1
  • jsl_meds_rag_q8_v1
  • jsl_meds_rag_q4_v1
  • jsl_medm_q16_v2
  • jsl_medm_q8_v2
  • jsl_medm_q4_v2
  • sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2
  • biolordresolve_rxnorm_augmented_v2
  • biolordresolve_avg_rxnorm_augmented_v2
  • bert_sequence_classifier_metastasis
  • classifierdl_metastasis
  • generic_classifier_metastasis
  • generic_logreg_classifier_metastasis
  • generic_svm_classifier_metastasis
  • generic_classifier_oncology
  • generic_classifier_therapy
  • icd10cm_rxnorm_resolver_pipeline
  • icd10cm_resolver_pipeline
  • medication_resolver_transform_pipeline
  • medication_resolver_pipeline
  • rxnorm_resolver_pipeline
  • large_fewshot_classifier_ade
  • large_fewshot_classifier_age_group
  • ner_cancer_types_wip
  • ner_stigmatization_wip
  • email_matcher
  • url_matcher
  • ip_matcher

For all Spark NLP for Healthcare models, please check: Models Hub Page


Last updated