We are pleased to announce the release of Spark NLP for Healthcare 2.5.3.
This time we include four (4) new Annotators: FeatureAssembler, GenericClassifier, Yake Keyword Extractor and NerConverterInternal.
We also include helper classes to read datasets from CodiEsp and Cantemist Spanish NER Challenges.
This is also the first release to support the following models: ner_diag_proc
(spanish), ner_neoplasms
(spanish), ner_deid_enriched
We have also included Bugifxes and Enhancements for AnnotationToolJsonReader and ChunkMergeModel.
New Features
- FeatureAssembler Transformer: Receives a list of column names containing numerical arrays and concatenates them to form one single
annotation - GenericClassifier Annotator: Receives a
annotation and outputs acategory
annotation - Yake Keyword Extraction Annotator: Receives a
annotation and outputs multi-tokenkeyword
annotations - NerConverterInternal Annotator: Similar to it’s open source counterpart in functionality, performs smarter extraction for complex tokenizations and confidence calculation
- Readers for CodiEsp and Cantemist Challenges
- AnnotationToolJsonReader includes parameter for preprocessing pipeline (from Document Assembling to Tokenization)
- AnnotationToolJsonReader includes parameter to discard specific entity types
- ChunkMergeModel now prioritizes highest number of different entities when coverage is the same
- We have 2 new
models for Clinical Entity Recognition:ner_diag_proc
- We have a new
Named Entity Recognition model for deidentification:ner_deid_enriched
- 5.5.3
- 5.5.2
- 5.5.1
- 5.5.0
- 5.4.1
- 5.4.0
- 5.3.3
- 5.3.2
- 5.3.1
- 5.3.0
- 5.2.1
- 5.2.0
- 5.1.4
- 5.1.3
- 5.1.2
- 5.1.1
- 5.1.0
- 5.0.2
- 5.0.1
- 5.0.0
- 4.4.4
- 4.4.3
- 4.4.2
- 4.4.1
- 4.4.0
- 4.3.2
- 4.3.1
- 4.3.0
- 4.2.8
- 4.2.4
- 4.2.3
- 4.2.2
- 4.2.1
- 4.2.0
- 4.1.0
- 4.0.2
- 4.0.0
- 3.5.3
- 3.5.2
- 3.5.1
- 3.5.0
- 3.4.2
- 3.4.1
- 3.4.0
- 3.3.4
- 3.3.2
- 3.3.1
- 3.3.0
- 3.2.3
- 3.2.2
- 3.2.1
- 3.2.0
- 3.1.3
- 3.1.2
- 3.1.1
- 3.1.0
- 3.0.3
- 3.0.2
- 3.0.1
- 3.0.0
- 2.7.6
- 2.7.5
- 2.7.4
- 2.7.3
- 2.7.2
- 2.7.1
- 2.7.0
- 2.6.2
- 2.6.0
- 2.5.5
- 2.5.3
- 2.5.2
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.6
- 2.4.5
- 2.4.2
- 2.4.1
- 2.4.0
PREVIOUSVersion Compatibility