- The first Voice of Patients (VOP) named entity recognition model
- New Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) named entity recognition models
- New entity resolution model for mapping Rxnorm codes according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) Database
- New Chunk Mapper models for mapping NDC codes to drug brand names as well as clinical entities (like drugs/ingredients) to Rxnorm codes
- Format consistency for formatted entity obfuscation in
module - New parameters for controlling the validation set while training a NER model with
- Whitelisting the entities while merging multiple entities in
- Core improvements and bug fixes
- New and updated notebooks
- New and updated demos
- 8 new clinical models and pipelines added & updated in total
The First Voice of Patients (VOP) Named Entity Recognition Model
We are releasing a new VOP NER model that was trained on the conversations gathered from patients forums.
model name | description | predicted entities |
ner_vop_slim_wip | This model extracts healthcare-related terms from the documents transferred from the patient’s own sentences. | AdmissionDischarge Age BodyPart ClinicalDept DateTime Disease Dosage_Strength Drug Duration Employment Form Frequency Gender Laterality Procedure PsychologicalCondition RelationshipStatus Route Symptom Test Vaccine VitalTest |
clinical_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token"])\
ner_model = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_vop_slim_wip", "en", "clinical/models")\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token","embeddings"])\
sample_texts = ["Hello,I'm 20 year old girl. I'm diagnosed with hyperthyroid 1 month ago. I was feeling weak, poor digestion, depression, left chest pain, increased heart rate from 4 months. Also i have b12 deficiency so I'm taking weekly supplement of 1000 mcg b12 daily."]
chunk | begin | end | ner_label |
20 year old | 10 | 20 | Age |
girl | 22 | 25 | Gender |
hyperthyroid | 47 | 58 | Disease |
1 month ago | 60 | 70 | DateTime |
weak | 87 | 90 | Symptom |
depression | 137 | 146 | PsychologicalCondition |
left | 149 | 152 | Laterality |
chest | 154 | 158 | BodyPart |
pain | 160 | 163 | Symptom |
heart rate | 176 | 185 | VitalTest |
4 months | 215 | 222 | Duration |
b12 deficiency | 613 | 626 | Disease |
weekly | 667 | 672 | Frequency |
supplement | 674 | 683 | Drug |
1000 mcg | 702 | 709 | Dosage_Strength |
b12 | 711 | 713 | Drug |
daily | 715 | 719 | Frequency |
New Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Named Entity Recognition Models
We are releasing 4 new SDOH NER models with various entity combinations.
model name | description | predicted entities |
ner_sdoh_substance_usage_wip | This model extracts substance usage information related to Social Determinants of Health from various kinds of biomedical documents. | Smoking Substance_Duration Substance_Use Substance_Quantity Substance_Frequency Alcohol |
ner_sdoh_access_to_healthcare_wip | This model extracts access to healthcare information related to Social Determinants of Health from various kinds of biomedical documents. | Insurance_Status Healthcare_Institution Access_To_Care |
ner_sdoh_community_condition_wip | This model extracts community condition information related to Social Determinants of Health from various kinds of biomedical documents. | Transportation Community_Living_Conditions Housing Food_Insecurity |
ner_sdoh_health_behaviours_problems_wip | This model extracts health and behaviours problems related to Social Determinants of Health from various kinds of biomedical documents. | Diet Mental_Health Obesity Eating_Disorder Sexual_Activity Disability Quality_Of_Life Other_Disease Exercise Communicable_Disease Hyperlipidemia Hypertension |
- ner_sdoh_substance_usage_wip
clinical_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token"])\
ner_model = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_sdoh_substance_usage_wip", "en", "clinical/models")\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token","embeddings"])\
sample_texts = ["He does drink occasional alcohol approximately 5 to 6 alcoholic drinks per month.",
"He continues to smoke one pack of cigarettes daily, as he has for the past 28 years."]
chunk | begin | end | ner_label |
drink | 8 | 12 | Alcohol |
occasional | 14 | 23 | Substance_Frequency |
alcohol | 25 | 31 | Alcohol |
5 to 6 | 47 | 52 | Substance_Quantity |
alcoholic drinks | 54 | 69 | Alcohol |
per month | 71 | 79 | Substance_Frequency |
smoke | 16 | 20 | Smoking |
one pack | 22 | 29 | Substance_Quantity |
cigarettes | 34 | 43 | Smoking |
daily | 45 | 49 | Substance_Frequency |
past 28 years | 70 | 82 | Substance_Duration |
- ner_sdoh_access_to_healthcare_wip
sample_texts = ["She has a pension and private health insurance, she reports feeling lonely and isolated.",
"He also reported food insecurityduring his childhood and lack of access to adequate healthcare.",
"She used to work as a unit clerk at XYZ Medical Center."]
chunk | begin | end | ner_label |
private health insurance | 22 | 45 | Insurance_Status |
access to adequate healthcare | 65 | 93 | Access_To_Care |
XYZ Medical Center | 36 | 53 | Healthcare_Institution |
- ner_sdoh_community_condition_wip
sample_texts = ["He is currently experiencing financial stress due to job insecurity, and he lives in a small apartment in a densely populated area with limited access to green spaces and outdoor recreational activities.",
"Patient reports difficulty affording healthy food, and relies oncheaper, processed options.",
"She reports her husband and sons provide transportation top medical apptsand do her grocery shopping."]
chunk | begin | end | ner_label |
small apartment | 87 | 101 | Housing |
green spaces | 154 | 165 | Community_Living_Conditions |
outdoor recreational activities | 171 | 201 | Community_Living_Conditions |
healthy food | 37 | 48 | Food_Insecurity |
transportation | 41 | 54 | Transportation |
- ner_sdoh_health_behaviours_problems_wip
sample_texts = ["She has not been getting regular exercise and not followed diet for approximately two years due to chronic sciatic pain.",
"Medical History: The patient is a 32-year-old female who presents with a history of anxiety, depression, bulimia nervosa, elevated cholesterol, and substance abuse.",
"Pt was intubated atthe scene & currently sedated due to high BP. Also, he is currently on social security disability."]
chunk | begin | end | ner_label |
regular exercise | 25 | 40 | Exercise |
diet | 59 | 62 | Diet |
chronic sciatic pain | 99 | 118 | Other_Disease |
anxiety | 84 | 90 | Mental_Health |
depression | 93 | 102 | Mental_Health |
bulimia nervosa | 105 | 119 | Eating_Disorder |
elevated cholesterol | 122 | 141 | Hyperlipidemia |
high BP | 56 | 62 | Hypertension |
disability | 106 | 115 | Disability |
New Entity Resolver Model for Mapping Rxnorm Codes According To the National Institute of Health (NIH) Database
We are releasing sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_nih
pretrained model to map clinical entities and concepts (like drugs/ingredients) to RxNorm codes according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) database using sbiobert_base_cased_mli
Sentence Bert Embeddings.
rxnorm_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("sbiobertresolve_rxnorm_nih","en", "clinical/models") \
.setInputCols(["sbert_embeddings"]) \
text= "She is given folic acid 1 mg daily , levothyroxine 0.1 mg and aspirin 81 mg daily ."
| ner_chunk | entity |rxnorm_code | all_codes | resolutions |
| folic acid 1 mg | DRUG | 12281181 | ['12281181', '12283696', '12270292', ...| ['folic acid 1 MG [folic acid 1 MG]', 'folic acid 1.1 MG [folic acid 1.1 MG]',...|
| levothyroxine 0.1 mg | DRUG | 12275630 | ['12275630', '12275646', '12301585', ...| ['levothyroxine sodium 0.1 MG [levothyroxine sodium 0.1 MG]', 'levothyroxine ...|
| aspirin 81 mg | DRUG | 12278696 | ['12278696', '12299811', '12298729', ...| ['aspirin 81 MG [aspirin 81 MG]', 'aspirin 81 MG [YSP Aspirin] [aspirin 81 MG ...|
New Chunk Mapper Models For Mapping NDC Codes to Drug Brand Names As Well As Clinical Entities (like drugs/ingredients) to Rxnorm Codes
We have two new chunk mapper models.
- ndc_drug_brandname_mapper model maps NDC codes with their corresponding drug brand names as well as RxNorm Codes according to National Institute of Health (NIH).
mapper = ChunkMapperModel.pretrained("ndc_drug_brandname_mapper", "en", "clinical/models")\
text= ["0009-4992", "57894-150"]
ndc_code | drug_brand_name | |
0 | 0009-4992 | ZYVOX |
1 | 57894-150 | ZYTIGA |
- rxnorm_nih_mapper model maps entities with their corresponding RxNorm codes according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) database. It returns Rxnorm codes along with their NIH Rxnorm Term Types within a parenthesis.
chunkerMapper = ChunkMapperModel\
.pretrained("rxnorm_nih_mapper", "en", "clinical/models")\
ner_chunk | mappings | relation |
Adapin 10 MG Oral Capsule | 1911002 (SY) | rxnorm_code |
acetohexamide | 12250421 (IN) | rxnorm_code |
Parlodel | 829 (BN) | rxnorm_code |
Format Consistency For Formatted Entity Obfuscation In Deidentification
We have added a new setSameLengthFormattedEntities
parameter that obfuscates the formatted entities like PHONE
, ID
with the fake ones in the same format. Default is an empty list ([]
obfuscated = DeIdentification()\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "deid_ner_chunk"]) \
.setOutputCol("obfuscated") \
.setSameLengthFormattedEntities(["PHONE","MEDICALRECORD", "IDNUM"])
sample_text = """Record date: 2003-01-13
Name : Hendrickson, Ora, Age: 25
MR: #7194334
ID: 1231511863
Phone: (302) 786-5227"""
sentence | masking | obfuscation |
Record date: 2003-01-13 | Record date: <DATE> | Record date: 2003-03-07 |
Name : Hendrickson, Ora, Age: 25 | Name : <PATIENT>, Age: <AGE> | Name : Manya Horsfall, Age: 20 |
MR: #7194334 | MR: <MEDICALRECORD> | MR: #4868080 |
ID: 1231511863 | ID: <IDNUM> | ID: 2174658035 |
Phone: (302) 786-5227 | Phone:<PHONE> | Phone: (467) 302-9509 |
New Parameters For Controlling The Validation Set While Training a NER Model With MedicalNerApproach
We added a new parameter to MedicalNerApproach
for controlling the validation set while training.
: If it isTrue
, the validation set is randomly splitted for each epoch; and if it isFalse
, the split is done only once before training (the same validation split used after each epoch). Default isFalse
nerTagger = MedicalNerApproach()\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\
Whitelisting The Entities While Merging Multiple Entities In ChunkMergeApproach
We have added setWhiteList
parameter to ChunkMergeApproach
annotator that you can whitelist detected entities while merging.
chunk_merge = ChunkMergeApproach()\
.setInputCols("deid_chunk_1", "deid_chunk_2")\
sample_text = "Mr. ABC is a 25 years old with a nonproductive cough that started last week. He has a history of pericarditis in May 2006 and developed cough with right-sided chest pain, and admitted to Beverley Count Hospital."
Result for without WhiteList
index | ner_chunk | entity |
0 | John Smith | PATIENT |
1 | 25 | AGE |
2 | May 2006 | DATE |
3 | Beverley Count Hospital | HOSPITAL |
Result for with WhiteList(["AGE","DATE"])
index | ner_chunk | entity |
0 | 25 | AGE |
1 | May 2006 | DATE |
Core Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug in
method issue in ALAB module - Updated documentation pages with corrections and additions.
New and Updated Notebooks
- Updated Spark NLP for Healthcare Workshop in 3 hr with latest examples.
New and Updated Demos
8 New Clinical Models and Pipelines Added & Updated in Total
For all Spark NLP for Healthcare models, please check: Models Hub Page
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