We are glad to announce that Spark NLP for Healthcare 2.7.2 has been released !
In this release, we introduce the following features:
Far better accuracy for resolving medication terms to RxNorm codes:
ondansetron 8 mg tablet' -> '312086
Far better accuracy for resolving diagnosis terms to ICD-10-CM codes:
TIA -> transient ischemic attack (disorder) ‘S0690’
New ability to map medications to pharmacological actions (PA):
'metformin' -> ‘Hypoglycemic Agents’
2 new greedy named entity recognition models for medication details:
ner_drugs_greedy: ‘magnesium hydroxide 100mg/1ml PO’
` ner_posology _greedy: ‘12 units of insulin lispro’ `
- New model to classify the gender of a patient in a given medical note:
'58yo patient with a family history of breast cancer' -> ‘female’
- And starting customized spark sessions with rich parameters
params = {"spark.driver.memory":"32G",
spark = sparknlp_jsl.start(secret, params=params)
State-of-the-art accuracy is achieved using new healthcare-tuned BERT Sentence Embeddings (s-Bert). The following sections include more details, metrics, and examples.
Named Entity Recognizers for Medications
- A new medication NER (
) that joins the drug entities with neighboring entities such asdosage
; and returns a single entitydrug
. This greedy NER model would be highly useful if you want to extract a drug with its context and then use it to get a RxNorm code (drugs may get different RxNorm codes based on the dosage and strength information).
label | tp | fp | fn | prec | rec | f1 |
I-DRUG | 37423 | 4179 | 3773 | 0.899 | 0.908 | 0.904 |
B-DRUG | 29699 | 2090 | 1983 | 0.934 | 0.937 | 0.936 |
- A new medication NER (
) that joins the drug entities with neighboring entities such asdosage
. It also returns all the other medication entities even if not related to (or joined with) a drug.
Now we have five different medication-related NER models. You can see the outputs from each model below:
Text = ‘‘The patient was prescribed 1 capsule of Advil 10 mg for 5 days and magnesium hydroxide 100mg/1ml suspension PO. He was seen by the endocrinology service and she was discharged on 40 units of insulin glargine at night, 12 units of insulin lispro with meals, and metformin 1000 mg two times a day.’’
a. ner_drugs_greedy
chunks | begin | end | entities | |
0 | 1 capsule of Advil 10 mg | 27 | 50 | DRUG |
1 | magnesium hydroxide 100mg/1ml PO | 67 | 98 | DRUG |
2 | 40 units of insulin glargine | 168 | 195 | DRUG |
3 | 12 units of insulin lispro | 207 | 232 | DRUG |
b. ner_posology_greedy
chunks | begin | end | entities | |
0 | 1 capsule of Advil 10 mg | 27 | 50 | DRUG |
1 | magnesium hydroxide 100mg/1ml PO | 67 | 98 | DRUG |
2 | for 5 days | 52 | 61 | DURATION |
3 | 40 units of insulin glargine | 168 | 195 | DRUG |
4 | at night | 197 | 204 | FREQUENCY |
5 | 12 units of insulin lispro | 207 | 232 | DRUG |
6 | with meals | 234 | 243 | FREQUENCY |
7 | metformin 1000 mg | 250 | 266 | DRUG |
8 | two times a day | 268 | 282 | FREQUENCY |
c. ner_drugs
chunks | begin | end | entities | |
0 | Advil | 40 | 44 | DrugChem |
1 | magnesium hydroxide | 67 | 85 | DrugChem |
2 | metformin | 261 | 269 | DrugChem |
chunks | begin | end | entities | |
0 | 1 | 27 | 27 | DOSAGE |
1 | capsule | 29 | 35 | FORM |
2 | Advil | 40 | 44 | DRUG |
3 | 10 mg | 46 | 50 | STRENGTH |
4 | for 5 days | 52 | 61 | DURATION |
5 | magnesium hydroxide | 67 | 85 | DRUG |
6 | 100mg/1ml | 87 | 95 | STRENGTH |
7 | PO | 97 | 98 | ROUTE |
8 | 40 units | 168 | 175 | DOSAGE |
9 | insulin glargine | 180 | 195 | DRUG |
10 | at night | 197 | 204 | FREQUENCY |
11 | 12 units | 207 | 214 | DOSAGE |
12 | insulin lispro | 219 | 232 | DRUG |
13 | with meals | 234 | 243 | FREQUENCY |
14 | metformin | 250 | 258 | DRUG |
15 | 1000 mg | 260 | 266 | STRENGTH |
16 | two times a day | 268 | 282 | FREQUENCY |
e. ner_drugs_large
chunks | begin | end | entities | |
0 | Advil 10 mg | 40 | 50 | DRUG |
1 | magnesium hydroxide 100mg/1ml PO. | 67 | 99 | DRUG |
2 | insulin glargine | 180 | 195 | DRUG |
3 | insulin lispro | 219 | 232 | DRUG |
4 | metformin 1000 mg | 250 | 266 | DRUG |
Patient Gender Classification
This model detects the gender of the patient in the clinical document. It can classify the documents into Female
, Male
and Unknown
We release two models:
‘Classifierdl_gender_sbert’ (more accurate, works with licensed
) -
‘Classifierdl_gender_biobert’ (works with
The models are trained on more than four thousands clinical documents (radiology reports, pathology reports, clinical visits etc.), annotated internally.
Metrics (Classifierdl_gender_sbert)
precision | recall | f1-score | support | |
Female | 0.9224 | 0.8954 | 0.9087 | 239 |
Male | 0.7895 | 0.8468 | 0.8171 | 124 |
Text= ‘‘social history: shows that does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, lives in a nursing home. family history: shows a family history of breast cancer.’’
>> `Female`
See this Colab notebook for further details.
a. classifierdl_gender_sbert
document = DocumentAssembler()\
sbert_embedder = BertSentenceEmbeddings\
.pretrained("sbiobert_base_cased_mli", 'en', 'clinical/models')\
gender_classifier = ClassifierDLModel\
.pretrained('classifierdl_gender_sbert', 'en', 'clinical/models') \
.setInputCols(["document", "sentence_embeddings"]) \
gender_pred_pipeline = Pipeline(
stages = [
b. classifierdl_gender_biobert
documentAssembler = DocumentAssembler()\
clf_tokenizer = Tokenizer()\
biobert_embeddings = BertEmbeddings().pretrained('biobert_pubmed_base_cased') \
biobert_embeddings_avg = SentenceEmbeddings() \
.setInputCols(["document", "bert_embeddings"]) \
.setOutputCol("sentence_bert_embeddings") \
genderClassifier = ClassifierDLModel.pretrained('classifierdl_gender_biobert', 'en', 'clinical/models') \
.setInputCols(["document", "sentence_bert_embeddings"]) \
gender_pred_pipeline = Pipeline(
stages = [
New ICD10CM and RxCUI resolvers powered by s-Bert embeddings
The advent of s-Bert sentence embeddings changed the landscape of Clinical Entity Resolvers completely in Spark NLP. Since s-Bert is already tuned on MedNLI (medical natural language inference) dataset, it is now capable of populating the chunk embeddings in a more precise way than before.
We now release two new resolvers:
(augmented with synonyms, four times richer than previous resolver accuracy:73% for top-1 (exact match), 89% for top-5 (previous accuracy was 59% and 64% respectively)
(extract RxNorm concept unique identifiers to map with ATC or durg families) accuracy:71% for top-1 (exact match), 72% for top-5 (previous accuracy was 22% and 41% respectively)
a. ICD10CM augmented resolver
Text = “This is an 82 year old male with a history of prior tobacco use , hypertension , chronic renal insufficiency , COPD , gastritis , and TIA who initially presented to Braintree with a non-ST elevation MI and Guaiac positive stools , transferred to St . Margaret's Center for Women & Infants for cardiac catheterization with PTCA to mid LAD lesion complicated by hypotension and bradycardia requiring Atropine , IV fluids and transient dopamine possibly secondary to vagal reaction , subsequently transferred to CCU for close monitoring , hemodynamically stable at the time of admission to the CCU . “
chunk | begin | end | code | term | |
0 | hypertension | 66 | 77 | I10 | hypertension |
1 | chronic renal insufficiency | 81 | 107 | N189 | chronic renal insufficiency |
2 | COPD | 111 | 114 | J449 | copd - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
3 | gastritis | 118 | 126 | K2970 | gastritis |
4 | TIA | 134 | 136 | S0690 | transient ischemic attack (disorder) |
5 | a non-ST elevation MI | 180 | 200 | I219 | silent myocardial infarction (disorder) |
6 | Guaiac positive stools | 206 | 227 | K921 | guaiac-positive stools |
7 | mid LAD lesion | 330 | 343 | I2102 | stemi involving left anterior descending coronary artery |
8 | hypotension | 360 | 370 | I959 | hypotension |
9 | bradycardia | 376 | 386 | O9941 | bradycardia |
b. RxCUI resolver
Text= “He was seen by the endocrinology service and she was discharged on 50 mg of eltrombopag oral at night, 5 mg amlodipine with meals, and metformin 1000 mg two times a day . “
chunk | begin | end | code | term | |
0 | 50 mg of eltrombopag oral | 67 | 91 | 825427 | eltrombopag 50 MG Oral Tablet |
1 | 5 mg amlodipine | 103 | 117 | 197361 | amlodipine 5 MG Oral Tablet |
2 | metformin 1000 mg | 135 | 151 | 861004 | metformin hydrochloride 1000 MG Oral Tablet |
Using this new resolver and some other resources like Snomed Resolver, RxTerm, MESHPA and ATC dictionary, you can link the drugs to the pharmacological actions (PA), ingredients and the disease treated with that.
Code sample:
(after getting the chunk from ChunkConverter)
c2doc = Chunk2Doc().setInputCols("ner_chunk").setOutputCol("ner_chunk_doc")
sbert_embedder = BertSentenceEmbeddings\
icd10_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("sbiobertresolve_icd10cm_augmented","en", "clinical/models") \
.setInputCols(["sbert_embeddings"]) \
See the notebook for details.
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