Adverse Drug Events Binary Classifier (LargeFewShot)


This model is a few-shot classification model designed to identify and classify tweets reporting Adverse Drug Events (ADEs). Utilizing the few-shot learning approach, it can effectively learn from a small number of labeled examples, making it highly adaptable to new and unseen classes.

Predicted Entities


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How to use

document_assembler = DocumentAssembler() \
    .setInputCol("text") \

large_few_shot_classifier = LargeFewShotClassifierModel()\

pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([

text_list = [
    ["The patient developed severe liver toxicity after taking the medication for three weeks"],
    ["He experienced no complications during the treatment and reported feeling much better."],
    ["She experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after the administration of the new drug."],
    ["The doctor recommended a daily dosage of the vitamin supplement to improve her health."]

data = spark.createDataFrame(text_list, ["text"])
result ="text", col("prediction.result").getItem(0).alias("result")).show(truncate=False)
val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()

val largeFewShotClassifier = LargeFewShotClassifierModel()

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(

val textList = Seq(
    ("The patient developed severe liver toxicity after taking the medication for three weeks"),
    ("He experienced no complications during the treatment and reported feeling much better."),
    ("She experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after the administration of the new drug."),
    ("The doctor recommended a daily dosage of the vitamin supplement to improve her health.")

val data = spark.createDataFrame(textList).toDF("text")

val result ="text"), col("prediction.result").getItem(0).alias("result")).show(truncate = false)


|text                                                                                     |result|
|The patient developed severe liver toxicity after taking the medication for three weeks  |ADE   |
|He experienced no complications during the treatment and reported feeling much better.   |noADE |
|She experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after the administration of the new drug.|ADE   |
|The doctor recommended a daily dosage of the vitamin supplement to improve her health.   |noADE |

Model Information

Model Name: large_fewshot_classifier_ade
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 5.4.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 406.9 MB
Case sensitive: false


This model has been trained using internal datasets.


       label  precision    recall  f1-score   support
         ADE     0.9560    0.9136    0.9343      2732
       noADE     0.9329    0.9661    0.9492      3397
    accuracy        -        -       0.9427      6129
   macro-avg     0.9444    0.9399    0.9418      6129
weighted-avg     0.9432    0.9427    0.9426      6129