Explain Clinical Document - Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)


This pipeline is designed to

  • extract all clinical/medical entities, which may be considered as Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) entities from text,

  • assign assertion status to the extracted entities,

  • establish relations between the extracted entities.

5 NER models, one assertion model and one relation extraction model were used in order to achieve those tasks.

Clinical Entity Labels:

Access_To_Care, Age, Alcohol, Childhood_Event, Communicable_Disease, Community_Safety, Diabetes, Diet, Disability, Eating_Disorder, Education, Employment, Environmental_Condition, Exercise, Family_Member, Financial_Status, Food_Insecurity, Geographic_Entity, Healthcare_Institution, Housing, Income, Insurance_Status, Language, Legal_Issues, Marital_Status, Mental_Health, Obesity, Other_SDoH_Keywords, Population_Group, Quality_Of_Life, Race_Ethnicity, Sexual_Activity, Sexual_Orientation, Smoking, Social_Exclusion, Social_Support, Spiritual_Beliefs, Substance_Duration, Substance_Frequency, Substance_Quantity, Substance_Use, Transportation, Violence_Or_Abuse, Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Heart_Disease, Kidney_Disease, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Tumor_Finding, Cancer_Diagnosis, Cancer_Surgery, Metastasis, Cerebrovascular_Disease, Symptom, Drug

Assertion Status Labels:

Present, Absent, Possible, Past, Hypotetical, Someone_Else

Relation Extraction Labels:

Access_To_Care-Financial_Status,Access_To_Care–Housing,Access_To_Care–Income, Access_To_Care–Language, Access_To_Care-Population_Group,Access_To_Care-Race_Ethnicity, Access_To_Care-Social_Support,Access_To_Care-Substance_Use,Access_To_Care–Transportation,Age–Alcohol, Age-Eating_Disorder,Age–Diet, Age-Mental_Health,Age–Obesity,Age-Sexual_Activity,Age-Sexual_Orientation,Age–Smoking,Age-Substance_Use,Age-Violence_Or_Abuse,Alcohol-Childhood_Event,Alcohol–Employment, Alcohol–Gender, Alcohol–Housing, Alcohol-Legal_Issues, Alcohol-Mental_Health, Alcohol-Quality_Of_Life,Alcohol-Race_Ethnicity,Alcohol–Smoking, Alcohol-Substance_Use,Alcohol-Violence_Or_Abuse, Childhood_Event–Gender,Childhood_Event-Mental_Health, Childhood_Event-Race_Ethnicity, Childhood_Event–Smoking, Childhood_Event-Substance_Use,Childhood_Event-Violence_Or_Abuse, Community_Safety-Quality_Of_Life,Community_Safety-Violence_Or_Abuse,Diet-Eating_Disorder,Diet–Exercise,Diet–Gender,Diet–Obesity, Disability–Education,Disability–Employment, Disability-Financial_Status, Disability–Housing,Disability–Income,Disability-Insurance_Status,Disability-Mental_Health, Disability-Quality_Of_Life,Disability-Social_Exclusion,Disability-Social_Support,Disability-Substance_Use,Eating_Disorder-Food_Insecurity, Eating_Disorder-Mental_Health,Eating_Disorder–Obesity,Eating_Disorder-Substance_Use,Education–Employment,Education-Financial_Status,Education–Gender,Education–Income, Education-Legal_Issues,Education-Quality_Of_Life, Education-Race_Ethnicity, Education-Substance_Use, Employment-Financial_Status, Employment–Housing, Employment–Income, Employment-Insurance_Status, Employment-Population_Group, Employment-Quality_Of_Life, Employment-Race_Ethnicity, Environmental_Condition-Quality_Of_Life, Exercise-Mental_Health, Exercise–Obesity, Exercise-Quality_Of_Life, Exercise–Smoking, Exercise-Substance_Use, Financial_Status-Food_Insecurity, Financial_Status-Housing, Financial_Status-Income, Financial_Status-Insurance_Status, Financial_Status-Mental_Health, Financial_Status-Quality_Of_Life, Financial_Status-Race_Ethnicity, Financial_Status-Social_Support, Financial_Status-Substance_Use, Food_Insecurity-Income, Food_Insecurity-Mental_Health, Food_Insecurity-Population_Group, Food_Insecurity-Quality_Of_Life, Food_Insecurity-Race_Ethnicity, Food_Insecurity-Social_Support, Food_Insecurity-Substance_Use, Gender-Income, Gender-Mental_Health, Gender-Obesity, Gender-Quality_Of_Life, Gender-Smoking, Gender-Substance_Use, Gender-Violence_Or_Abuse, Geographic_Entity-Substance_Use, Housing-Income, Housing-Insurance_Status, Housing-Quality_Of_Life, Housing-Race_Ethnicity, Income-Insurance_Status, Income-Marital_Status, Income-Population_Group, Income-Quality_Of_Life, Income-Race_Ethnicity, Income-Substance_Use, Insurance_Status-Population_Group, Insurance_Status-Race_Ethnicity, Language-Population_Group, Language-Race_Ethnicity, Language-Social_Exclusion, Legal_Issues-Population_Group, Legal_Issues-Race_Ethnicity, Legal_Issues-Substance_Use, Legal_Issues-Violence_Or_Abuse, Marital_Status-Mental_Health, Marital_Status-Population_Group, Marital_Status-Quality_Of_Life, Marital_Status-Race_Ethnicity, Marital_Status-Violence_Or_Abuse, Mental_Health-Obesity, Mental_Health-Population_Group, Mental_Health-Quality_Of_Life, Mental_Health-Race_Ethnicity, Mental_Health-Sexual_Orientation, Mental_Health-Smoking, Mental_Health-Social_Exclusion, Mental_Health-Social_Support, Mental_Health-Substance_Use, Mental_Health-Violence_Or_Abuse, Obesity-Quality_Of_Life, Obesity-Race_Ethnicity, Population_Group-Quality_Of_Life, Population_Group-Race_Ethnicity, Population_Group-Smoking, Population_Group-Substance_Use, Population_Group-Violence_Or_Abuse, Quality_Of_Life-Race_Ethnicity, Quality_Of_Life-Substance_Use, Race_Ethnicity-Smoking, Race_Ethnicity-Social_Exclusion, Race_Ethnicity-Social_Support, Race_Ethnicity-Substance_Use, Race_Ethnicity-Violence_Or_Abuse, Sexual_Activity-Sexual_Orientation, Sexual_Orientation-Social_Exclusion, Sexual_Orientation-Substance_Use, Sexual_Orientation-Violence_Or_Abuse, Smoking-Substance_Use, Social_Exclusion-Substance_Use, Substance_Duration-Substance_Frequency, Substance_Duration-Substance_Quantity, Substance_Duration-Substance_Use, Substance_Frequency-Substance_Quantity, Substance_Frequency-Substance_Use, Substance_Quantity-Substance_Use, Substance_Use-Violence_Or_Abuse, Heart_Disease-Smoking, Tumor_Finding-Cancer_Surgery, Cancer_Diagnosis-Cancer_Surgery, Substance_Use-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Substance_Use-Communicable_Disease, Substance_Use-Hypertension, Substance_Use-Hyperlipidemia, Substance_Use-Heart_Disease, Substance_Use-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Substance_Use-Cancer_Diagnosis, Substance_Use-Obesity, Alcohol-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Alcohol-Heart_Disease, Alcohol-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Alcohol-Cancer_Diagnosis, Alcohol-Obesity, Childhood_Event-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Childhood_Event-Communicable_Disease, Childhood_Event-Hypertension, Childhood_Event-Hyperlipidemia, Childhood_Event-Heart_Disease, Childhood_Event-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Childhood_Event-Obesity, Mental_Health-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Mental_Health-Heart_Disease, Mental_Health-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Eating_Disorder-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Eating_Disorder-Heart_Disease, Eating_Disorder-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Obesity-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Obesity-Hypertension, Obesity-Hyperlipidemia, Obesity-Heart_Disease, Obesity-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Obesity-Cancer_Diagnosis, Obesity-Tumor_Finding, Race_Ethnicity-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Race_Ethnicity-Communicable_Disease, Race_Ethnicity-Hypertension, Race_Ethnicity-Hyperlipidemia, Race_Ethnicity-Heart_Disease, Race_Ethnicity-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Race_Ethnicity-Cancer_Diagnosis, Race_Ethnicity-Obesity, Symptom-Disease_Syndrome_Disorder, Symptom-Communicable_Disease, Symptom-Hypertension, Symptom-Hyperlipidemia, Symptom-Heart_Disease, Symptom-Cerebrovascular_Disease, Symptom-Cancer_Diagnosis

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How to use

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline

ner_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_sdoh", "en", "clinical/models")

result = ner_pipeline.annotate("""
The patient reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, which have been affecting his quality of life. 
He reported a history of childhood trauma related to violence and abuse in his household, which has contributed to his smoking, alcohol use and current mental health struggles. 
He denied any recent substance use or sexual activity and reported being monogamous in his relationship with his wife. 
The patient is an immigrant and speaks English as a second language. 
He reported difficulty accessing healthcare due to lack of medical insurance. 
He has a herniated disc, hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD) and diabetes mellitus. 
The patient has a manic disorder, is presently psychotic and shows impulsive behavior. He has been disabled since 2001.

import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.PretrainedPipeline

val ner_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_sdoh", "en", "clinical/models")

val result = ner_pipeline.annotate("""
The patient reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, which have been affecting his quality of life. 
He reported a history of childhood trauma related to violence and abuse in his household, which has contributed to his smoking, alcohol use and current mental health struggles. 
He denied any recent substance use or sexual activity and reported being monogamous in his relationship with his wife. 
The patient is an immigrant and speaks English as a second language. 
He reported difficulty accessing healthcare due to lack of medical insurance. 
He has a herniated disc, hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD) and diabetes mellitus. 
The patient has a manic disorder, is presently psychotic and shows impulsive behavior. He has been disabled since 2001.



|    | chunks                          | begin | end |          entities         |
|  0 | anxiety                         | 47    | 53  |       Mental_Health       |
|  1 | depression                      | 59    | 68  |       Mental_Health       |
|  2 | quality of life                 | 101   | 115 |      Quality_Of_Life      |
|  3 | childhood trauma                | 144   | 159 |      Childhood_Event      |
|  4 | violence                        | 172   | 179 |     Violence_Or_Abuse     |
|  5 | abuse                           | 185   | 189 |     Violence_Or_Abuse     |
|  6 | smoking                         | 238   | 244 |          Smoking          |
|  7 | alcohol                         | 247   | 253 |          Alcohol          |
|  8 | substance                       | 318   | 326 |       Substance_Use       |
|  9 | sexual activity                 | 335   | 349 |      Sexual_Activity      |
| 10 | monogamous                      | 370   | 379 |      Sexual_Activity      |
| 11 | wife                            | 410   | 413 |       Family_Member       |
| 12 | immigrant                       | 435   | 443 |      Population_Group     |
| 13 | English                         | 456   | 462 |          Language         |
| 14 | difficulty accessing healthcare | 499   | 529 |       Access_To_Care      |
| 15 | medical insurance               | 546   | 562 |      Insurance_Status     |
| 16 | herniated disc                  | 575   | 588 | Disease_Syndrome_Disorder |
| 17 | hypertension                    | 591   | 602 |        Hypertension       |
| 18 | coronary artery disease         | 605   | 627 |       Heart_Disease       |
| 19 | CAD                             | 630   | 632 |       Heart_Disease       |
| 20 | diabetes mellitus               | 639   | 655 |          Diabetes         |
| 21 | manic disorder                  | 677   | 690 |       Mental_Health       |
| 22 | psychotic                       | 706   | 714 |       Mental_Health       |
| 23 | impulsive behavior              | 726   | 743 |       Mental_Health       |
| 24 | disabled                        | 758   | 765 |         Disability        |

# Assertion Status

|    | chunks                          |          entities         | assertion |
|  0 | anxiety                         |       Mental_Health       |  Present  |
|  1 | depression                      |       Mental_Health       |  Present  |
|  2 | childhood trauma                |      Childhood_Event      |    Past   |
|  3 | violence                        |     Violence_Or_Abuse     |    Past   |
|  4 | abuse                           |     Violence_Or_Abuse     |    Past   |
|  5 | smoking                         |          Smoking          |  Present  |
|  6 | alcohol                         |          Alcohol          |  Present  |
|  7 | substance                       |       Substance_Use       |   Absent  |
|  8 | difficulty accessing healthcare |       Access_To_Care      |   Absent  |
|  9 | medical insurance               |      Insurance_Status     |   Absent  |
| 10 | herniated disc                  | Disease_Syndrome_Disorder |  Present  |
| 11 | hypertension                    |        Hypertension       |  Present  |
| 12 | coronary artery disease         |       Heart_Disease       |  Present  |
| 13 | CAD                             |       Heart_Disease       |  Present  |
| 14 | diabetes mellitus               |          Diabetes         |  Present  |
| 15 | manic disorder                  |       Mental_Health       |  Present  |
| 16 | psychotic                       |       Mental_Health       |  Present  |
| 17 | impulsive behavior              |       Mental_Health       |  Present  |
| 18 | disabled                        |          Symptom          |  Present  |

# Relation Extraction

|   | sentence | entity1_begin | entity1_end |      chunk1      |      entity1      | entity2_begin | entity2_end |      chunk2     |      entity2      |              relation             | confidence |
| 0 |     0    |       46      |      52     |      anxiety     |   Mental_Health   |      100      |     114     | quality of life |  Quality_Of_Life  |   Mental_Health-Quality_Of_Life   |     1.0    |
| 1 |     0    |       58      |      67     |    depression    |   Mental_Health   |      100      |     114     | quality of life |  Quality_Of_Life  |   Mental_Health-Quality_Of_Life   |     1.0    |
| 2 |     1    |      143      |     158     | childhood trauma |  Childhood_Event  |      171      |     178     |     violence    | Violence_Or_Abuse | Childhood_Event-Violence_Or_Abuse |     1.0    |
| 3 |     1    |      143      |     158     | childhood trauma |  Childhood_Event  |      184      |     188     |      abuse      | Violence_Or_Abuse | Childhood_Event-Violence_Or_Abuse |     1.0    |
| 4 |     1    |      143      |     158     | childhood trauma |  Childhood_Event  |      246      |     252     |     alcohol     |      Alcohol      |      Childhood_Event-Alcohol      |     1.0    |
| 5 |     1    |      171      |     178     |     violence     | Violence_Or_Abuse |      246      |     252     |     alcohol     |      Alcohol      |     Violence_Or_Abuse-Alcohol     |     1.0    |
| 6 |     1    |      184      |     188     |       abuse      | Violence_Or_Abuse |      246      |     252     |     alcohol     |      Alcohol      |     Violence_Or_Abuse-Alcohol     |     1.0    |
| 7 |     3    |      434      |     442     |     immigrant    |  Population_Group |      455      |     461     |     English     |      Language     |     Population_Group-Language     |     1.0    |

Model Information

Model Name: explain_clinical_doc_sdoh
Type: pipeline
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 5.3.1+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 1.8 GB

Included Models

  • DocumentAssembler
  • SentenceDetectorDLModel
  • TokenizerModel
  • WordEmbeddingsModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • ChunkMergeModel
  • ChunkMergeModel
  • AssertionDLModel
  • PerceptronModel
  • DependencyParserModel
  • GenericREModel