Mental Health - Clinical NLP Demos & Notebooks

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Mental Health - Live Demos & Notebooks

Identify Depression for Patient Posts
Identify Depression for Patient Posts
This demo shows a classifier that can classify whether tweets contain depressive text. (...)
Text Classification For Mental Disorder
Text Classification For Mental Disorder
The PHS-BERT Mental Disorder Classifier Model classifies text based on the following mental disorders. (Schizophrenia, Depression, Bipolar disorder, Anxiety disorder). (...)
Identify Intimate Partner Violence from Patient Posts
Identify Intimate Partner Violence from Patient Posts
This model involves the detection the potential IPV victims on social media platforms (in English tweets). (...)
Identify Stress from Patient Posts
Identify Stress from Patient Posts
This model can identify stress in social media (Twitter) posts in the self-disclosure category. The model finds whether a person claims he/she is stressed or not. (...)
Identify the Source of Stress from Patient Posts
Identify the Source of Stress from Patient Posts
This demo shows how to classify source of emotional stress in text. (...)