Recognize Legal Entities - Legal NLP Demos & Notebooks

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Recognize Legal Entities - Live Demos & Notebooks

Extract Document Type, Parties, Aliases and Dates
Extract Document Type, Parties, Aliases and Dates
This model uses Name Entity Recognition to extract DOC (Document Type), PARTY (An Entity signing a contract), ALIAS (the way a company is named later on in the document) and EFFDATE (Effective Date of the contract). (...)
Identify Companies and their aliases in legal texts
Identify Companies and their aliases in legal texts
This model uses Entity Recognition to identify ORG (Companies), their ALIAS (other names the company uses in the contract/agreement) and company PRODUCTS. (...)
Extract Parties obligations in a Legal Agreement
Extract Parties obligations in a Legal Agreement
Automatically identify entities such as Organization, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Person, Location, and Time, etc. in (Brazilian) Portuguese legal text. (...)
Extract entities in Whereas clauses
Extract entities in Whereas clauses
This model uses Name Entity Recognition detect "Whereas" clauses and extract, from them, the SUBJECT, the ACTION and the OBJECT. (...)
Extract Signers, Roles and Companies
Extract Signers, Roles and Companies
This model uses Name Entity Recognition to extract SIGNING_PERSON (People signing a document), SIGNING_TITLE (the roles of those people in the company) and PARTY (Organizations). (...)
Detect legal entities in German
Detect legal entities in German
Automatically identify entities such as persons, judges, lawyers, countries, cities, landscapes, organizations, courts, trademark laws, contracts, etc. in German legal text. (...)
Detect legal entities in Portuguese
Detect legal entities in Portuguese
Automatically identify entities such as Organization, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Person, Location, and Time, etc. in (Brazilian) Portuguese legal text. (...)
Legal Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition
Legal Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition
This demo shows how you can use prompts in the form of questions, to carry our Named Entity Recognition without any pretrained dataset. You will find a table with the example questions (prompts) used for the different labels on the side menu. (...)
Detect Law and Money entities in Spanish
Detect Law and Money entities in Spanish
This demo shows how to extract law and money from Spanish legal texts. (...)
Extract Entities in English Indian Court Judgements
Extract Entities in English Indian Court Judgements
This demo shows how to extract entities from Indian Court Preamble and Judgement documents LAWYER, JUDGE, COURT, WITNESS, RESPONDENT, PETITIONER etc. (...)
Named Entity Recognition in Romanian Official Documents
Named Entity Recognition in Romanian Official Documents
This demo shows how you can extract the standard four entities (ORG, PER, LOC, DATE) and more 10 entities (DECISION, DECREE, DIRECTIVE, EMERGENCY_ORDINANCE, LAW, ORDER, ORDINANCE, REGULATION, REPORT and TREATY) from Romanian official documents. (...)
Determine the entities of a section within a subpoena
Determine the entities of a section within a subpoena
This is a legal NER mode trained on Subpoenas, which is aimed to extract the following entities from a Subpoena. (...)