Utilities for Docker


Build, run and serve any johnsnowlabs model with docker, using the serve utilities.
It handles licenses and dependencies and comes with a simple fast-API server. This enables you to package any johnsnowlabs model into a docker image and serve it as a REST API.

Image creation

With nlp.build_image you can create a docker image with any johnsnowlabs model pre-packed and ready to serve. You just need to specify the nlu reference to the model and the name of the output image Additionally, you can set the hardware_target to cpu, gpu, apple_silicon or aarch to package with Jar’s optimized for specific hardware.

Create Spark-NLP Image

Create a spark-nlp bert image

from johnsnowlabs import nlp

Create an image with GPU optimized builds

from johnsnowlabs import nlp

Create Medical NLP Image

To create an image with a Medical NLP model you must provide a license in one of the ways described by the Authorization Flows Overview. It will be stored in the container and used to pre-download licensed models & dependencies during the build proces.

from johnsnowlabs import nlp
# In this example with authorize via a license.json file, but there are many other ways.
nlp.build_image(preloaded_model='en.med_ner.cancer_genetics.pipeline',image_name='cancer_img', json_license_path='path/to/my/license.json')

Create Licensed Visual NLP Image

To create an image with a Visual NLP model you must provide a license in one of the ways described by the Authorization Flows Overview. It will be stored in the container and used to pre-download licensed models & dependencies during the build proces.

from johnsnowlabs import nlp

Serve model image as container

With nlp.serve_container you can serve the image you created via nlp.build_image as a REST API. You can head to http://localhost:8548/docs to see the fast-api docs for /predict and /predict_batch. All parameters of the .predict() function are supported.


You can run below code to deploy the licensed cancer container


You can run below code to deploy the licensed visual container


Get predictions from endpoint

The following examples demonstrate how you can get predictions in real-time, batch and for files.

Single String Prediction Endpoint

We can hit /predict on the running server with one string

import requests
endpoint = f"http://localhost:8548/predict"
params = {"text": "Your text that you want to predict with the model goes here",}
headers = {"accept": "application/json"}
response = requests.get(endpoint, params=params, headers={"accept": "application/json"})

Batch Prediction Endpoint

We can hit /predict_batch on the running server with a list of strings

import requests
endpoint = f"http://localhost:8548/predict_batch"
params = {"text": ["Your text that you want to predict with the model goes here", 'It can also be a list of strings'],}
response = requests.post(endpoint, params=params, headers={"accept": "application/json"})

Parameterized Endpoint Prediction

All parameters of the .predict() function are supported.

import requests
# Parameterized Single String Prediction
endpoint = f"http://localhost:8548/predict"
params = {
    "text": "Your text that you want to predict with the model goes here",
    "output_level": "document",
    "positions": "false",
    "metadata": "false",
    "drop_irrelevant_cols": "false",
    "get_embeddings": "false",
    "keep_stranger_features": "true",
response = requests.get(endpoint, params=params, headers={"accept": "application/json"})

# Parameterized Batch Prediction
endpoint = f"http://localhost:8548/predict_batch"
params = {
    "text": ["Your text that you want to predict with the model goes here",
             'It can also be a list of strings'],
    "output_level": "document",
    "positions": "false",
    "metadata": "false",
    "drop_irrelevant_cols": "false",
    "get_embeddings": "false",
    "keep_stranger_features": "true",
response = requests.post(endpoint, params=params, headers={"accept": "application/json"})

File Prediction for Visual NLP

We can send files to /predict_file to get visual models predictions for any file like PDF’s and images. Use nlp.send_file_to_server to send files to the server. If file_path begins with https:// or http it will be downloaded to current working directory and then sent to server.

from johnsnowlabs import nlp 
# assuming pdf2text_container is on port 8547
! wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnSnowLabs/nlu/master/tests/datasets/ocr/pdf/haiku.pdf
endpoint = 'http://localhost:8547/predict_file'
response = nlp.send_file_to_server('haiku.pdf',endpoint)
Last updated