Utilities for AWS EMR


AWS Glue Setup

You can quickly setup John Snow Labs products in AWS Glue environment with few lines of code.

See AWS Glue Setup Notebook

!pip install johnsnowlabs

from johnsnowlabs import nlp

nlp.install_to_glue has the following parameters:

AWS specific parameters

Parameter Description
boto_session The Boto Session used to authorize requests to your AWS Account. If not provided, default session with environment variables is created. Refer this for more information
glue_assets_bucket S3 bucket to store johnsnowlabs python packages and jars. If not provided, one is created.

License Retrieval Parameters

Parameter Description
browser_login Enable or disable browser based login and pop up if no license is provided or automatically detected. Defaults to True.
force_browser If a cached license if found, no browser pop up occurs. Set True to force the browser pop up, so that you can download different license, if you have several ones.
access_token Use access token to fetch license from your account in https://my.johnsnowlabs.com account.
json_license_path Load license from your downloaded json license file
license License key as part of Manual license installation
aws_access_key JSL AWS Secret Key as part of Manual license installation
aws_key_id JSL AWS Access Key as part of Manual license installation

Refer this for more information

Last updated