Explain Clinical Document - Oncology (Slim)


This specialized oncology pipeline can;

  • extract oncological and cancer type entities,

  • assign assertion status to the extracted entities,

  • establish relations between the extracted entities from the clinical documents.

In this pipeline, ner_oncology, ner_oncology_biomarker_docwise and ner_cancer_types_wip NER models, assertion_oncology assertion model and re_oncology_granular and posology_re relation extraction models were used to achieve those tasks.

  • Clinical Entity Labels: Adenopathy, Age, Biomarker, Biomarker_Result, Cancer_Dx, Cancer_Score, Cancer_Surgery, Chemotherapy, Cycle_Count, Cycle_Day, Cycle_Number, Date, Death_Entity, Direction, Dosage, Duration, Frequency, Gender, Grade, Histological_Type, Hormonal_Therapy, Imaging_Test, Immunotherapy, Invasion, Line_Of_Therapy, Metastasis,Oncogene, Pathology_Result, Pathology_Test, Performance_Status, Race_Ethnicity, Radiation_Dose, Radiotherapy, Relative_Date, Response_To_Treatment, Route, Site_Bone, Site_Brain, Site_Breast, Site_Liver, Site_Lung, Site_Lymph_Node, Site_Other_Body_Part, Smoking_Status, Staging, Targeted_Therapy, Tumor_Finding, Tumor_Size, Unspecific_Therapy,Biomarker_Quant, Body_Site, CNS_Tumor_Type, Carcinoma_Type, Leukemia_Type, Lymphoma_Type, Melanoma,Sarcoma_Type

  • Assertion Status Labels: Present, Absent, Possible, Past, Family, Hypotetical

  • Relation Extraction Labels: is_size_of, is_finding_of, is_date_of, Date-Cancer_Dx, Tumor_Finding-Site_Breast, Tumor_Finding-Site_Bone, Tumor_Finding-Site_Liver, Tumor_Finding-Site_Lung, Tumor_Finding-Site_Lymph_Node, Tumor_Finding-Site_Other_Body_Part, Tumor_Fiding-Relative_Date, Tumor_Finding-Tumor_Size, Pathology_Test-Cancer_Dx, Pathology_Test-Pathology_Result, Biomarker_Result-Biomarker, Biomarker-Biomarker_Quant, Cancer_Dx-Hormonal_Therapy, Cancer_Dx-Immunotherapy, Cancer_Dx-Radiotherapy, Cancer_Dx-Chemotherapy, Cancer_Dx-Targeted_Therapy, Cancer_Dx-Cancer_Surgery, Cancer_Dx-Unspecific_Therapy, Cancer_Dx-Invasion, Cancer_Dx-Site_Bone, Cancer_Dx-Site_Brain, Cancer_Dx-Site_Breast, Cancer_Dx-Site_Liver, Cancer_Dx-Site_Lymph_Node, Cancer_Dx-Site_Other_Body_Part, Cancer_Dx-Imaging_Test, Invasion-Site_Bone, Invasion-Site_Brain, Invasion-Site_Breast, Invasion-Site_Liver, Invasion-Site_Lymph_Node, Invasion-Site_Other_Body_Part, Invasion-Metastasis, Invasion-Cancer_Surgery, Response_To_Treatment-Chemotherapy, Response_To_Treatment-Hormonal_Therapy, Response_To_Treatment-Immunotherapy, Response_To_Treatment-Radiotherapy, Response_To_Treatment-Targeted_Therapy, Response_To_Treatment-Unspecific_Therapy, Response_To_Treatment-Line_Of_Therapy, Chemotherapy-Dosage, Chemotherapy-Cycle_Count, Chemotherapy-Cycle_Day, Chemotherapy-Cycle_Number, Cancer_Therapy-Dosage, Cancer_Therapy-Duration, Cancer_Therapy-Frequency, Hormonal_Therapy-Dosage, Hormonal_Therapy-Duration, Hormonal_Therapy-Frequency, Immunotherapy-Dosage, Immunotherapy-Duration, Immunotherapy-Frequency, Radiotherapy-Radiation_Dose, Radiotherapy-Duration, Radiotherapy-Frequency, Posology_Information-Dosage, Posology_Information-Duration, Posology_Information-Frequency, Posology_Information-Route, Unspecific_Therapy-Dosage, Unspecific_Therapy-Duration, Unspecific_Therapy-Frequency

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How to use

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline

oncology_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_oncology_slim", "en", "clinical/models")

result = oncology_pipeline.fullAnnotate("""A 56-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of whole-body weakness, double vision, difficulty swallowing, and a 45 mm anterior mediastinal mass detected via chest CT.
Neurological examination and electromyography confirmed a diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS), associated with anti-P/Q-type VGCC antibodies. The patient was treated with
cisplatin 75 mg/m² on day 1, combined with etoposide 100 mg/m² on days 1-3, repeated every 3 weeks for four cycles. A video-assisted thoracic surgery revealed histopathological features consistent
with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) with lymph node metastases. The immunohistochemical analysis showed positive markers for AE1/AE3, TTF-1, chromogranin A, and synaptophysin. Notably,
a pulmonary nodule in the left upper lobe disappeared, and FDG-PET/CT post-surgery revealed no primary lesions or metastases.""")

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline

oncology_pipeline = nlp.PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_oncology_slim", "en", "clinical/models")

result = oncology_pipeline.fullAnnotate("""A 56-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of whole-body weakness, double vision, difficulty swallowing, and a 45 mm anterior mediastinal mass detected via chest CT.
Neurological examination and electromyography confirmed a diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS), associated with anti-P/Q-type VGCC antibodies. The patient was treated with
cisplatin 75 mg/m² on day 1, combined with etoposide 100 mg/m² on days 1-3, repeated every 3 weeks for four cycles. A video-assisted thoracic surgery revealed histopathological features consistent
with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) with lymph node metastases. The immunohistochemical analysis showed positive markers for AE1/AE3, TTF-1, chromogranin A, and synaptophysin. Notably,
a pulmonary nodule in the left upper lobe disappeared, and FDG-PET/CT post-surgery revealed no primary lesions or metastases.""")

import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.PretrainedPipeline

val oncology_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("explain_clinical_doc_oncology_slim", "en", "clinical/models")

val result = oncology_pipeline.fullAnnotate("""A 56-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of whole-body weakness, double vision, difficulty swallowing, and a 45 mm anterior mediastinal mass detected via chest CT.
Neurological examination and electromyography confirmed a diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS), associated with anti-P/Q-type VGCC antibodies. The patient was treated with
cisplatin 75 mg/m² on day 1, combined with etoposide 100 mg/m² on days 1-3, repeated every 3 weeks for four cycles. A video-assisted thoracic surgery revealed histopathological features consistent
with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) with lymph node metastases. The immunohistochemical analysis showed positive markers for AE1/AE3, TTF-1, chromogranin A, and synaptophysin. Notably,
a pulmonary nodule in the left upper lobe disappeared, and FDG-PET/CT post-surgery revealed no primary lesions or metastases.""")


# NER Oncology Results

|    |   sentence_id | chunks                          |   begin |   end | entities              |
|  0 |             0 | man                             |      14 |    16 | Gender                |
|  1 |             0 | 45 mm                           |     119 |   123 | Tumor_Size            |
|  2 |             0 | anterior                        |     125 |   132 | Direction             |
|  3 |             0 | mediastinal                     |     134 |   144 | Site_Other_Body_Part  |
|  4 |             0 | mass                            |     146 |   149 | Tumor_Finding         |
|  5 |             0 | chest CT                        |     164 |   171 | Imaging_Test          |
|  6 |             1 | electromyography                |     203 |   218 | Imaging_Test          |
|  7 |             2 | cisplatin                       |     363 |   371 | Chemotherapy          |
|  8 |             2 | 75 mg/m²                        |     373 |   380 | Dosage                |
|  9 |             2 | day 1                           |     385 |   389 | Cycle_Day             |
| 10 |             2 | etoposide                       |     406 |   414 | Chemotherapy          |
| 11 |             2 | 100 mg/m²                       |     416 |   424 | Dosage                |
| 12 |             2 | days 1-3                        |     429 |   436 | Cycle_Day             |
| 13 |             2 | every 3 weeks                   |     448 |   460 | Frequency             |
| 14 |             2 | for four cycles                 |     462 |   476 | Duration              |
| 15 |             3 | video-assisted thoracic surgery |     481 |   511 | Cancer_Surgery        |
| 16 |             3 | histopathological               |     522 |   538 | Pathology_Test        |
| 17 |             3 | small cell                      |     565 |   574 | Histological_Type     |
| 18 |             3 | lung cancer                     |     576 |   586 | Cancer_Dx             |
| 19 |             3 | SCLC                            |     589 |   592 | Cancer_Dx             |
| 20 |             3 | lymph node                      |     600 |   609 | Site_Lymph_Node       |
| 21 |             3 | metastases                      |     611 |   620 | Metastasis            |
| 22 |             4 | immunohistochemical analysis    |     627 |   654 | Pathology_Test        |
| 23 |             4 | positive                        |     663 |   670 | Biomarker_Result      |
| 24 |             4 | AE1/AE3                         |     684 |   690 | Biomarker             |
| 25 |             4 | TTF-1                           |     693 |   697 | Biomarker             |
| 26 |             4 | chromogranin A                  |     700 |   713 | Biomarker             |
| 27 |             4 | synaptophysin                   |     720 |   732 | Biomarker             |
| 28 |             5 | pulmonary                       |     746 |   754 | Site_Lung             |
| 29 |             5 | nodule                          |     756 |   761 | Tumor_Finding         |
| 30 |             5 | left                            |     770 |   773 | Direction             |
| 31 |             5 | upper lobe                      |     775 |   784 | Site_Lung             |
| 32 |             5 | disappeared                     |     786 |   796 | Response_To_Treatment |
| 33 |             5 | FDG-PET/CT                      |     803 |   812 | Imaging_Test          |
| 34 |             5 | primary lesions                 |     839 |   853 | Tumor_Finding         |
| 35 |             5 | metastases                      |     858 |   867 | Metastasis            |

# NER Biomarker Results

|   |     chunks     | begin | end |     entities     | confidence |
| 0 |    positive    |  663  | 670 | Biomarker_Result |   0.9875   |
| 1 |     AE1/AE3    |  684  | 690 |     Biomarker    |   0.9985   |
| 2 |      TTF-1     |  693  | 697 |     Biomarker    |   0.9992   |
| 3 | chromogranin A |  700  | 713 |     Biomarker    |    0.924   |
| 4 |  synaptophysin |  720  | 732 |     Biomarker    |   0.9978   |

# NER Cancer Types Results

|    |   sentence_id | chunks                 |   begin |   end | entities             |
|  0 |             0 | mediastinal            |     134 |   144 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
|  1 |             0 | chest                  |     164 |   168 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
|  2 |             1 | VGCC                   |     317 |   320 | Biomarker            |
|  3 |             3 | thoracic               |     496 |   503 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
|  4 |             3 | small cell lung cancer |     565 |   586 | Carcinoma_Type       |
|  5 |             3 | SCLC                   |     589 |   592 | Carcinoma_Type       |
|  6 |             3 | lymph node             |     600 |   609 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
|  7 |             3 | metastases             |     611 |   620 | Metastasis           |
|  8 |             4 | positive               |     663 |   670 | Biomarker_Result     |
|  9 |             4 | AE1/AE3                |     684 |   690 | Biomarker            |
| 10 |             4 | TTF-1                  |     693 |   697 | Biomarker            |
| 11 |             4 | chromogranin A         |     700 |   713 | Biomarker            |
| 12 |             4 | synaptophysin          |     720 |   732 | Biomarker            |
| 13 |             5 | pulmonary              |     746 |   754 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
| 14 |             5 | lobe                   |     781 |   784 | Site_Other_Body_Part |
| 15 |             5 | metastases             |     858 |   867 | Metastasis           |

# Assertion Result

|    |   sentence_id | chunks                          |   begin |   end | entities              | assertion   |
|  0 |             0 | mass                            |     146 |   149 | Tumor_Finding         | Present     |
|  1 |             1 | VGCC                            |     317 |   320 | Biomarker             | Present     |
|  2 |             2 | cisplatin                       |     363 |   371 | Chemotherapy          | Past        |
|  3 |             2 | etoposide                       |     406 |   414 | Chemotherapy          | Present     |
|  4 |             2 | for four cycles                 |     462 |   476 | Duration              | Present     |
|  5 |             3 | video-assisted thoracic surgery |     481 |   511 | Cancer_Surgery        | Past        |
|  6 |             3 | small cell lung cancer          |     565 |   586 | Carcinoma_Type        | Present     |
|  7 |             3 | SCLC                            |     589 |   592 | Carcinoma_Type        | Present     |
|  8 |             3 | metastases                      |     611 |   620 | Metastasis            | Present     |
|  9 |             4 | AE1/AE3                         |     684 |   690 | Biomarker             | Present     |
| 10 |             4 | TTF-1                           |     693 |   697 | Biomarker             | Present     |
| 11 |             4 | chromogranin A                  |     700 |   713 | Biomarker             | Present     |
| 12 |             4 | synaptophysin                   |     720 |   732 | Biomarker             | Present     |
| 13 |             5 | nodule                          |     756 |   761 | Tumor_Finding         | Present     |
| 14 |             5 | disappeared                     |     786 |   796 | Response_To_Treatment | Present     |
| 15 |             5 | primary lesions                 |     839 |   853 | Tumor_Finding         | Absent      |
| 16 |             5 | metastases                      |     858 |   867 | Metastasis            | Absent      |

# Relation Extraction Result

|    |   sentence |   entity1_begin |   entity1_end | chunk1            | entity1              |   entity2_begin |   entity2_end | chunk2         | entity2       | relation               |   confidence |
|  0 |          2 |             363 |           371 | cisplatin         | Chemotherapy         |             373 |           380 | 75 mg/m²       | Dosage        | Chemotherapy-Dosage    |     1        |
|  1 |          2 |             363 |           371 | cisplatin         | Chemotherapy         |             385 |           389 | day 1          | Cycle_Day     | Chemotherapy-Cycle_Day |     1        |
|  2 |          2 |             363 |           371 | cisplatin         | Chemotherapy         |             416 |           424 | 100 mg/m²      | Dosage        | Chemotherapy-Dosage    |     1        |
|  3 |          2 |             363 |           371 | cisplatin         | Chemotherapy         |             429 |           436 | days 1-3       | Cycle_Day     | Chemotherapy-Cycle_Day |     1        |
|  4 |          2 |             373 |           380 | 75 mg/m²          | Dosage               |             406 |           414 | etoposide      | Chemotherapy  | Dosage-Chemotherapy    |     1        |
|  5 |          2 |             385 |           389 | day 1             | Cycle_Day            |             406 |           414 | etoposide      | Chemotherapy  | Cycle_Day-Chemotherapy |     1        |
|  6 |          2 |             406 |           414 | etoposide         | Chemotherapy         |             416 |           424 | 100 mg/m²      | Dosage        | Chemotherapy-Dosage    |     1        |
|  7 |          2 |             406 |           414 | etoposide         | Chemotherapy         |             429 |           436 | days 1-3       | Cycle_Day     | Chemotherapy-Cycle_Day |     1        |
|  8 |          0 |             119 |           123 | 45 mm             | Tumor_Size           |             146 |           149 | mass           | Tumor_Finding | is_size_of             |     0.968412 |
|  9 |          0 |             134 |           144 | mediastinal       | Site_Other_Body_Part |             146 |           149 | mass           | Tumor_Finding | is_location_of         |     0.929259 |
| 11 |          3 |             522 |           538 | histopathological | Pathology_Test       |             589 |           592 | SCLC           | Cancer_Dx     | is_finding_of          |     0.738208 |
| 13 |          4 |             663 |           670 | positive          | Biomarker_Result     |             684 |           690 | AE1/AE3        | Biomarker     | is_finding_of          |     0.911877 |
| 14 |          4 |             663 |           670 | positive          | Biomarker_Result     |             693 |           697 | TTF-1          | Biomarker     | is_finding_of          |     0.903363 |
| 15 |          4 |             663 |           670 | positive          | Biomarker_Result     |             700 |           713 | chromogranin A | Biomarker     | is_finding_of          |     0.885989 |
| 16 |          4 |             663 |           670 | positive          | Biomarker_Result     |             720 |           732 | synaptophysin  | Biomarker     | is_finding_of          |     0.720167 |
| 17 |          5 |             746 |           754 | pulmonary         | Site_Lung            |             756 |           761 | nodule         | Tumor_Finding | is_location_of         |     0.932414 |
| 19 |          5 |             756 |           761 | nodule            | Tumor_Finding        |             775 |           784 | upper lobe     | Site_Lung     | is_location_of         |     0.932624 |

Model Information

Model Name: explain_clinical_doc_oncology_slim
Type: pipeline
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 5.5.2+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 1.8 GB

Included Models

  • DocumentAssembler
  • SentenceDetectorDLModel
  • TokenizerModel
  • WordEmbeddingsModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • MedicalNerModel
  • NerConverterInternalModel
  • ChunkMergeModel
  • ChunkMergeModel
  • AssertionDLModel
  • PerceptronModel
  • DependencyParserModel
  • RelationExtractionModel
  • PosologyREModel
  • AnnotationMerger