Medical Question Answering Pipeline on Clinical Notes (ONNX)


This pretrained pipeline is built on the top of clinical_notes_qa_base_onnx model.

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How to use

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline

qa_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("clinical_notes_qa_base_onnx_pipeline", "en", "clinical/models")

context = """Patient with a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
The patient is a 74-year-old white woman who has a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years, history of CVA with no residual hemiparesis and uterine cancer with pulmonary metastases, who presented for evaluation of recent worsening of the hypertension. According to the patient, she had stable blood pressure for the past 12-15 years on 10 mg of lisinopril."""

question = """What is the primary issue reported by patient?"""

result = qa_pipeline.fullAnnotate([question], [context])

import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.PretrainedPipeline

val qa_pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("clinical_notes_qa_base_onnx_pipeline", "en", "clinical/models")

val context = """Patient with a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
The patient is a 74-year-old white woman who has a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years, history of CVA with no residual hemiparesis and uterine cancer with pulmonary metastases, who presented for evaluation of recent worsening of the hypertension. According to the patient, she had stable blood pressure for the past 12-15 years on 10 mg of lisinopril."""

val question = """What is the primary issue reported by patient?"""

val result = qa_pipeline.fullAnnotate([question], [context])


The primary issue reported by the patient is hypertension.

Model Information

Model Name: clinical_notes_qa_base_onnx_pipeline
Type: pipeline
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 5.2.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 1.0 GB

Included Models

  • MultiDocumentAssembler
  • MedicalQuestionAnswering