
package context

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ContextRules[T] extends Serializable
  2. class ContextualParserApproach extends AnnotatorApproach[ContextualParserModel] with HandleExceptionParams with CheckLicense

    Creates a model, that extracts entity from a document based on user defined rules.

    Creates a model, that extracts entity from a document based on user defined rules. Rule matching is based on a RegexMatcher defined in a JSON file. It is set through the parameter setJsonPath() In this JSON file, regex is defined that you want to match along with the information that will output on metadata field. Additionally, a dictionary can be provided with setDictionary to map extracted entities to a unified representation. The first column of the dictionary file should be the representation with following columns the possible matches.


    An example JSON file regex_token.json can look like this:

    "entity": "Stage",
    "ruleScope": "sentence",
    "regex": "[cpyrau]?[T][0-9X?][a-z^cpyrau]*",
    "matchScope": "token"

    Which means to extract the stage code on a sentence level. An example pipeline could then be defined like this

    val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
    val sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetector()
    val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()

    Define the parser (json file needs to be provided)

    val data = Seq("A patient has liver metastases pT1bN0M0 and the T5 primary site may be colon or... ").toDF("text")
    val contextualParser = new ContextualParserApproach()
      .setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token"))
    val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
    val result =

    Show Results

    result.selectExpr("explode(entity)").show(5, truncate=false)
    |col                                                                                                                      |
    |{chunk, 32, 39, pT1bN0M0, {field -> Stage, normalized -> , confidence -> 1.00, sentence -> 0}, []}                 |
    |{chunk, 49, 50, T5, {field -> Stage, normalized -> , confidence -> 1.00, sentence -> 0}, []}                       |
    |{chunk, 148, 156, cT4bcN2M1, {field -> Stage, normalized -> , confidence -> 1.00, sentence -> 1}, []}              |
    |{chunk, 189, 194, T?N3M1, {field -> Stage, normalized -> , confidence -> 1.00, sentence -> 2}, []}                 |
    |{chunk, 316, 323, pT1bN0M0, {field -> Stage, normalized -> , confidence -> 1.00, sentence -> 3}, []}               |
    See also

    ContextualParserModel for the trained model

  3. class ContextualParserModel extends AnnotatorModel[ContextualParserModel] with HasSimpleAnnotate[ContextualParserModel] with HandleExceptionParams with HasSafeAnnotate[ContextualParserModel] with CheckLicense

    Extracts entity from a document based on user defined rules.

    Extracts entity from a document based on user defined rules. Rule matching is based on a RegexMatcher defined in a JSON file. In this file, regex is defined that you want to match along with the information that will output on metadata field. To instantiate a model, see ContextualParserApproach and its accompanied example.

    See also

    ContextualParserApproach to create your own model

  4. case class Dictionary(dictionary: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class EntityDefinition(entity: String, ruleScope: String, regex: Option[String], contextLength: Option[Double], prefix: Option[List[String]], regexPrefix: Option[String], suffix: Option[List[String]], regexSuffix: Option[String], contextException: Option[List[String]], exceptionDistance: Option[Double], regexContextException: Option[String], matchScope: Option[String], completeMatchRegex: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. class MatchExceptions extends ContextRules[Boolean] with Serializable
  7. class MatchPrefixSuffix extends ContextRules[(Boolean, Map[String, Double])] with Serializable
  8. class MatchRegex extends ContextRules[(Boolean, Map[String, Double])] with Serializable
  9. class MatchRegexPerSentence extends ContextRules[List[(Boolean, Map[String, Double])]] with Serializable
  10. case class MatchedToken(token: String, begin: Int, end: Int, valueMatch: String, regexMatch: String, sentenceIndex: Int, confidenceValue: Double, normalizedValue: String, tokenIndex: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  11. trait ReadablePretrainedContextualParser extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[ContextualParserModel] with HasPretrained[ContextualParserModel]

Value Members

  1. object ContextualParserApproach extends DefaultParamsReadable[ContextualParserApproach] with Serializable
  2. object ContextualParserModel extends ReadablePretrainedContextualParser with Serializable
