Social Determinants of Healthcare for Violence and Abuse Classifier


The Violence and Abuse classifier employs MedicalBertForSequenceClassification embeddings within a robust classifier architecture. Trained on a diverse dataset, this model provides accurate label assignments and confidence scores for its predictions. The primary goal of this model is to categorize text into four key labels: Domestic_Violence_Abuse, Personal_Violence_Abuse, No_Violence_Abuse and Unknown.

  • Domestic_Violence_Abuse:This category refers to a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is aimed at gaining or maintaining power and control over an intimate partner or family member.

  • Personal_Violence_Abuse: This category encompasses any form of violence or abuse that is directed towards an individual, whether admitted by the perpetrator or recognized by the victim.

  • No_Violence_Abuse: This category denotes the complete absence of violence and abuse in any form.

  • Unknown: This category covers when the nature or type of violence or abuse within a given text cannot be clearly identified or defined.

Predicted Entities

Domestic_Violence_Abuse, Personal_Violence_Abuse, No_Violence_Abuse, Unknown

Live Demo Open in Colab Copy S3 URI

How to use

document_assembler = DocumentAssembler()\

tokenizer = Tokenizer()\

sequenceClassifier = MedicalBertForSequenceClassification.pretrained("bert_sequence_classifier_sdoh_violence_abuse", "en", "clinical/models")\

pipeline = Pipeline(

sample_texts = [
                ["Repeated visits for fractures, with vague explanations suggesting potential family-related trauma."],
                ["Patient presents with multiple bruises in various stages of healing, suggestive of repeated physical abuse."],
                ["There are no reported instances or documented episodes indicating the patient poses a risk of violence."] ,
                ["Patient B is a 40-year-old female who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has received a treatment plan that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy."]

sample_data = spark.createDataFrame(sample_texts).toDF("text")

result ="text", "prediction.result").show(truncate=100)
val documenter = new DocumentAssembler() 

val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()

val sequenceClassifier = MedicalBertForSequenceClassification.pretrained("bert_sequence_classifier_sdoh_violence_abuse", "en", "clinical/models")

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(documenter, tokenizer, sequenceClassifier))

val data = Seq(Array("Repeated visits for fractures, with vague explanations suggesting potential family-related trauma.",
                     "Patient presents with multiple bruises in various stages of healing, suggestive of repeated physical abuse.",
                     "There are no reported instances or documented episodes indicating the patient poses a risk of violence." ,
                     "Patient B is a 40-year-old female who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has received a treatment plan that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.",

val result =


|                                                                                                text|                   result|
|  Repeated visits for fractures, with vague explanations suggesting potential family-related trauma.|[Domestic_Violence_Abuse]|
|Patient presents with multiple bruises in various stages of healing, suggestive of repeated physi...|[Personal_Violence_Abuse]|
|There are no reported instances or documented episodes indicating the patient poses a risk of vio...|      [No_Violence_Abuse]|
|Patient B is a 40-year-old female who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has received a treatm...|                [Unknown]|

Model Information

Model Name: bert_sequence_classifier_sdoh_violence_abuse
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 5.1.4+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [document, token]
Output Labels: [prediction]
Language: en
Size: 406.4 MB
Case sensitive: false
Max sentence length: 512


Trained with the in-house dataset


                  label  precision    recall  f1-score   support
Domestic_Violence_Abuse   0.921687  0.905325  0.913433       169
      No_Violence_Abuse   0.978417  0.860759  0.915825       158
Personal_Violence_Abuse   0.889908  0.858407  0.873874       226
                Unknown   0.937500  0.975610  0.956175       738
               accuracy          -         -  0.931836      1291
              macro-avg   0.931878  0.900025  0.914827      1291
           weighted-avg   0.932106  0.931836  0.931234      1291