Sentence Entity Resolver for ICD10-CM (Augmented)


This model maps extracted medical entities to ICD-10-CM codes using sbiobert_base_cased_mli Sentence Bert Embeddings. Also, it has been augmented with synonyms for making it more accurate.

Predicted Entities

ICD-10-CM Codes

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How to use

document_assembler = DocumentAssembler()\

sentenceDetectorDL = SentenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl_healthcare", "en", "clinical/models")\

tokenizer = Tokenizer()\

word_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token"])\

ner = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "word_embeddings"])\

ner_converter = NerConverterInternal()\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner"])\

c2doc = Chunk2Doc()\

sbert_embedder = BertSentenceEmbeddings.pretrained("sbiobert_base_cased_mli", "en", "clinical/models")\

icd_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("sbiobertresolve_icd10cm_augmented", "en", "clinical/models") \
    .setInputCols(["sentence_embeddings"]) \

resolver_pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [document_assembler,

data = spark.createDataFrame([["""A 28-year-old female with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosed eight years prior to presentation and subsequent type two diabetes mellitus, associated with obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of 33.5 kg/m2, presented with a one-week history of polyuria, polydipsia, poor appetite, and vomiting. Two weeks prior to presentation, she was treated with a five-day course of amoxicillin for a respiratory tract infection."""]]).toDF("text")

result =
val document_assembler = new DocumentAssembler()

val sentence_detector = SentenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl_healthcare","en","clinical/models")

val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()

val word_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")

val clinical_ner = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")

val ner_converter = new NerConverter()

val chunk2doc = new Chunk2Doc()

val sbert_embedder = BertSentenceEmbeddings.pretrained("sbiobert_base_cased_mli","en","clinical/models")

val icd10_resolver = SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("sbiobertresolve_icd10cm_augmented", "en", "clinical/models")

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(document_assembler, 

val data = Seq("A 28-year-old female with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosed eight years prior to presentation and subsequent type two diabetes mellitus, associated with obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of 33.5 kg/m2, presented with a one-week history of polyuria, polydipsia, poor appetite, and vomiting. Two weeks prior to presentation, she was treated with a five-day course of amoxicillin for a respiratory tract infection.").toDS().toDF("text")

val result =


|                            ner_chunk| entity|icd10_code|                                                                resolutions|                                                                  all_codes|
|        gestational diabetes mellitus|PROBLEM|     O24.4|[gestational diabetes mellitus [gestational diabetes mellitus], gestatio...|      [O24.4, O24.41, O24.43, Z86.32, Z87.5, O24.31, O24.11, O24.1, O24.81]|
|subsequent type two diabetes mellitus|PROBLEM|    O24.11|[pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus [pre-existing type 2 diabetes mel...|[O24.11, E11.8, E11, E13.9, E11.9, E11.3, E11.44, Z86.3, Z86.39, E11.32,...|
|                              obesity|PROBLEM|     E66.9|[obesity [obesity, unspecified], abdominal obesity [other obesity], obes...|[E66.9, E66.8, Z68.41, Q13.0, E66, E66.01, Z86.39, E34.9, H35.50, Z83.49...|
|                    a body mass index|PROBLEM|    Z68.41|[finding of body mass index [body mass index [bmi] 40.0-44.9, adult], ob...|[Z68.41, E66.9, R22.9, Z68.1, R22.3, R22.1, Z68, R22.2, R22.0, R41.89, M...|
|                             polyuria|PROBLEM|       R35|[polyuria [polyuria], nocturnal polyuria [nocturnal polyuria], polyuric ...|[R35, R35.81, R35.8, E23.2, R31, R35.0, R82.99, N40.1, E72.3, O04.8, R30...|
|                           polydipsia|PROBLEM|     R63.1|[polydipsia [polydipsia], psychogenic polydipsia [other impulse disorder...|[R63.1, F63.89, E23.2, F63.9, O40, G47.5, M79.89, R63.2, R06.1, H53.8, I...|
|                        poor appetite|PROBLEM|     R63.0|[poor appetite [anorexia], poor feeding [feeding problem of newborn, uns...|[R63.0, P92.9, R43.8, R43.2, E86, R19.6, F52.0, Z72.4, R06.89, Z76.89, R...|
|                             vomiting|PROBLEM|     R11.1|[vomiting [vomiting], intermittent vomiting [nausea and vomiting], vomit...|          [R11.1, R11, R11.10, G43.A1, P92.1, P92.09, G43.A, R11.13, R11.0]|
|        a respiratory tract infection|PROBLEM|     J98.8|[respiratory tract infection [other specified respiratory disorders], up...|[J98.8, J06.9, A49.9, J22, J20.9, Z59.3, T17, J04.10, Z13.83, J18.9, P28...|

Model Information

Model Name: sbiobertresolve_icd10cm_augmented
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 4.4.2+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence_embeddings]
Output Labels: [icd10cm_code]
Language: en
Size: 1.4 GB
Case sensitive: false