Legal Relation Extraction Pretrained Pipeline(Parties, Alias, Dates, Document Type) (Lg, Unidirectional)


This is a Legal Relation Extraction Pretrained Pipeline to get the relations linking the different concepts together, if such relation exists. The list of relations is:

  • dated_as: A Document has an Effective Date
  • has_alias: The Alias of a Party all along the document
  • has_collective_alias: An Alias hold by several parties at the same time
  • signed_by: Between a Party and the document they signed

Predicted Entities

dated_as, has_alias, has_collective_alias, signed_by

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How to use

legal_pipeline = nlp.PretrainedPipeline("legpipe_re_contract_doc_parties_alias", "en", "finance/models")
text = '''THIS Lease Agreement , is made and entered into this _____day of May, 2006 by and between Apple, Inc., (hereinafter called "Landlord"), and IMI Global, Inc., with a mailing address of ___, (hereinafter referred as "Tenant").'''
result = legal_pipeline.annotate(text)


|relations|relations_entity1|    relations_chunk1|relations_entity2|relations_chunk2|confidence|syntactic_distance|
| dated_as|              DOC|THIS Lease Agreement|          EFFDATE|   of May,  2006| 0.9999546|                 6|
|signed_by|              DOC|THIS Lease Agreement|            PARTY|      Apple, Inc|  0.988555|                 5|
|signed_by|              DOC|THIS Lease Agreement|            PARTY|IMI Global,  Inc| 0.9568861|                 7|
|has_alias|            PARTY|          Apple, Inc|            ALIAS|        Landlord|0.99999475|                 4|
|has_alias|            PARTY|    IMI Global,  Inc|            ALIAS|          Tenant| 0.9999893|                 4|

Model Information

Model Name: legpipe_re_contract_doc_parties_alias
Type: pipeline
Compatibility: Legal NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 910.2 MB

Included Models

  • DocumentAssembler
  • SentenceDetector
  • TokenizerModel
  • RoBertaEmbeddings
  • PerceptronModel
  • DependencyParserModel
  • LegalNerModel
  • NerConverter
  • RENerChunksFilter
  • RelationExtractionDLModel