Legal NER (Parties, Dates, Document Type - md)


IMPORTANT: Don’t run this model on the whole legal agreement. Instead:

  • Split by paragraphs. You can use notebook 1 in Finance or Legal as inspiration;
  • Use the legclf_introduction_clause Text Classifier to select only these paragraphs;

This is a Legal NER Model, aimed to process the first page of the agreements when information can be found about:

  • Parties of the contract/agreement;
  • Aliases of those parties, or how those parties will be called further on in the document;
  • Document Type;
  • Effective Date of the agreement;

This model can be used all along with its Relation Extraction model to retrieve the relations between these entities, called legre_contract_doc_parties

Other models can be found to detect other parts of the document, as Headers/Subheaders, Signers, “Will-do”, etc.

This is a md (medium version) of the classifier, trained with more data and being more resistent to false positives outside the specific section, which may help to run it at whole document level (although not recommended).

Predicted Entities


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How to use

documentAssembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler()\
sentenceDetector = nlp.SentenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl","xx")\

tokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer()\

embeddings = nlp.RoBertaEmbeddings.pretrained("roberta_embeddings_legal_roberta_base", "en") \
        .setInputCols("sentence", "token") \

ner_model = legal.NerModel.pretrained('legner_contract_doc_parties_md', 'en', 'legal/models')\
        .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

ner_converter = nlp.NerConverter()\

nlpPipeline = nlp.Pipeline(stages=[

empty_data = spark.createDataFrame([[""]]).toDF("text")

model =

text = ["""

This INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), dated as of December 31, 2018 (the "Effective Date") is entered into by and between Armstrong Flooring, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Seller") and AFI Licensing LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Licensing" and together with Seller, "Arizona") and AHF Holding, Inc. (formerly known as Tarzan HoldCo, Inc.), a Delaware corporation ("Buyer") and Armstrong Hardwood Flooring Company, a Tennessee corporation (the "Company" and together with Buyer the "Buyer Entities") (each of Arizona on the one hand and the Buyer Entities on the other hand, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties").

res = model.transform(spark.createDataFrame([text]).toDF("text"))


|       token|ner_label|
|    PROPERTY|    I-DOC|
|        This|        O|
|    PROPERTY|    I-DOC|
|           (|        O|
|        this|        O|
|           "|        O|
|   Agreement|        O|
|         "),|        O|
|       dated|        O|
|          as|        O|
|          of|        O|
|    December|B-EFFDATE|
|          31|I-EFFDATE|
|           ,|I-EFFDATE|
|        2018|I-EFFDATE|
|           (|        O|
|         the|        O|
|           "|        O|
|   Effective|        O|
|        Date|        O|
|          ")|        O|
|          is|        O|
|     entered|        O|
|        into|        O|
|          by|        O|
|         and|        O|
|     between|        O|
|   Armstrong|  B-PARTY|
|    Flooring|  I-PARTY|
|           ,|  I-PARTY|
|         Inc|  I-PARTY|
|          .,|        O|
|           a|        O|
|    Delaware|        O|
| corporation|        O|
|          ("|        O|
|      Seller|  B-ALIAS|
|          ")|        O|
|         and|        O|
|         AFI|  B-PARTY|
|   Licensing|  I-PARTY|
|         LLC|  I-PARTY|
|           ,|        O|
|           a|        O|
|    Delaware|        O|
|     limited|        O|
|   liability|        O|
|     company|        O|
|          ("|        O|
|   Licensing|  B-ALIAS|
|           "|        O|
|         and|        O|
|    together|        O|
|        with|        O|
|      Seller|  B-ALIAS|
|           ,|        O|
|           "|        O|
|     Arizona|  B-ALIAS|
|          ")|        O|
|         and|        O|
|         AHF|  B-PARTY|
|     Holding|  I-PARTY|
|           ,|  I-PARTY|
|         Inc|  I-PARTY|
|           .|        O|
|           (|        O|
|    formerly|        O|
|       known|        O|
|          as|        O|
|      Tarzan|        O|
|      HoldCo|        O|
|           ,|        O|
|         Inc|        O|
|         .),|        O|
|           a|        O|
|    Delaware|        O|
| corporation|        O|
|          ("|        O|
|       Buyer|  B-ALIAS|
|          ")|        O|
|         and|        O|
|   Armstrong|  B-PARTY|
|    Hardwood|  I-PARTY|
|    Flooring|  I-PARTY|
|     Company|  I-PARTY|

Model Information

Model Name: legner_contract_doc_parties_md
Compatibility: Legal NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence, token, embeddings]
Output Labels: [ner]
Language: en
Size: 16.2 MB


Manual annotations on CUAD dataset


label	 tp	 fp	 fn	 prec	 rec	 f1
I-PARTY	 413	 57	 64	 0.8787234	 0.8658281	 0.8722281
B-EFFDATE	 43	 2	 5	 0.95555556	 0.8958333	 0.92473114
B-DOC	 75	 7	 16	 0.91463417	 0.82417583	 0.867052
I-EFFDATE	 138	 6	 8	 0.9583333	 0.94520545	 0.9517241
I-ALIAS	 5	 0	 4	 1.0	 0.5555556	 0.71428573
I-DOC	 176	 20	 40	 0.8979592	 0.8148148	 0.8543689
I-FORMER_PARTY_NAME	 2	 0	 0	 1.0	 1.0	 1.0
B-PARTY	 141	 21	 34	 0.8703704	 0.8057143	 0.8367952
B-FORMER_PARTY_NAME	 1	 0	 0	 1.0	 1.0	 1.0
B-ALIAS	 66	 4	 11	 0.94285715	 0.85714287	 0.89795923
Macro-average	 66 4 11 0.94184333 0.856427 0.8971066
Micro-average	 66 4 11 0.9005947 0.85346216 0.87639517