Earning Calls Financial NER (Generic, sm)


This is a sm (small) version of a financial model trained on Earning Calls transcripts to detect financial entities (NER model). This model is called Generic as it has fewer labels in comparison with the Specific version.

Please note this model requires some tokenization configuration to extract the currency (see python snippet below).

The currently available entities are:

  • AMOUNT: Numeric amounts, not percentages
  • ASSET: Current or Fixed Asset
  • ASSET_DECREASE: Decrease in the asset possession/exposure
  • ASSET_INCREASE: Increase in the asset possession/exposure
  • CF: Total cash flow 
  • CF_DECREASE: Relative decrease in cash flow
  • CF_INCREASE: Relative increase in cash flow
  • COUNT: Number of items (not monetary, not percentages).
  • CURRENCY: The currency of the amount
  • DATE: Generic dates in context where either it’s not a fiscal year or it can’t be asserted as such given the context
  • EXPENSE: An expense or loss
  • EXPENSE_DECREASE: A piece of information saying there was an expense decrease in that fiscal year
  • EXPENSE_INCREASE: A piece of information saying there was an expense increase in that fiscal year
  • FCF: Free Cash Flow
  • FISCAL_YEAR: A date which expresses which month the fiscal exercise was closed for a specific year
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicator, a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective
  • KPI_DECREASE: Relative decrease in a KPI
  • KPI_INCREASE: Relative increase in a KPI
  • LIABILITY: Current or Long-Term Liability (not from stockholders)
  • LIABILITY_DECREASE: Relative decrease in liability
  • LIABILITY_INCREASE: Relative increase in liability
  • ORG: Mention to a company/organization name
  • PERCENTAGE: : Numeric amounts which are percentages
  • PROFIT: Profit or also Revenue
  • PROFIT_DECLINE: A piece of information saying there was a profit / revenue decrease in that fiscal year
  • PROFIT_INCREASE: A piece of information saying there was a profit / revenue increase in that fiscal year
  • TICKER: Trading symbol of the company

You can also check for the Relation Extraction model which connects these entities together.

Predicted Entities


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How to use

document_assembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler()\

sentence_detector = nlp.SentenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl","xx")\

tokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer()\
    .setContextChars(['.', ',', ';', ':', '!', '?', '*', '-', '(', ')', '”', '’', '$','€'])

embeddings = nlp.BertEmbeddings.pretrained("bert_embeddings_sec_bert_base", "en") \
  .setInputCols("sentence", "token") \

ner_model = finance.NerModel.pretrained("finner_earning_calls_generic_sm", "en", "finance/models")\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

ner_converter = nlp.NerConverter()\
    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner"])\

pipeline = nlp.Pipeline(stages=[

data = spark.createDataFrame([["""Adjusted EPS was ahead of our expectations at $ 1.21 , and free cash flow is also ahead of our expectations despite a $ 1.5 billion additional tax payment we made related to the R&D amortization."""]]).toDF("text")

model = pipeline.fit(data)

result = model.transform(data)

result.select(F.explode(F.arrays_zip('ner_chunk.result', 'ner_chunk.metadata')).alias("cols")) \
                       F.expr("cols['1']['entity']").alias("label")).show(200, truncate = False)


|       token| ner_label|confidence|
|    Adjusted|  B-PROFIT|    0.9691|
|         EPS|  I-PROFIT|    0.9954|
|         was|         O|       1.0|
|       ahead|         O|       1.0|
|          of|         O|       1.0|
|         our|         O|       1.0|
|expectations|         O|       1.0|
|          at|         O|       1.0|
|           $|B-CURRENCY|       1.0|
|        1.21|  B-AMOUNT|       1.0|
|           ,|         O|    0.9998|
|         and|         O|       1.0|
|        free|     B-FCF|    0.9981|
|        cash|     I-FCF|    0.9998|
|        flow|     I-FCF|    0.9998|
|          is|         O|       1.0|
|        also|         O|       1.0|
|       ahead|         O|       1.0|
|          of|         O|       1.0|
|         our|         O|       1.0|
|expectations|         O|       1.0|
|     despite|         O|       1.0|
|           a|         O|       1.0|
|           $|B-CURRENCY|       1.0|
|         1.5|  B-AMOUNT|       1.0|
|     billion|  I-AMOUNT|    0.9999|
|  additional|         O|     0.998|
|         tax|         O|    0.9532|
|     payment|         O|     0.945|
|          we|         O|    0.9999|
|        made|         O|       1.0|
|     related|         O|       1.0|
|          to|         O|       1.0|
|         the|         O|       1.0|
|         R&D|         O|    0.9981|
|amortization|         O|    0.9973|
|           .|         O|       1.0|

Model Information

Model Name: finner_earning_calls_generic_sm
Compatibility: Finance NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence, token, embeddings]
Output Labels: [ner]
Language: en
Size: 16.2 MB


In-house annotations on Earning Calls.


label                 tp    fp   fn   prec        rec         f1         
I-AMOUNT              383   1    3    0.9973958   0.992228    0.9948052  
B-COUNT               13    5    2    0.7222222   0.8666667   0.78787875 
B-AMOUNT              453   0    6    1.0         0.9869281   0.9934211  
I-ORG                 16    0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
B-DATE                117   11   5    0.9140625   0.9590164   0.93600005 
B-LIABILITY_DECREASE  1     1    0    0.5         1.0         0.6666667  
I-LIABILITY           8     6    3    0.5714286   0.72727275  0.64000005 
I-EXPENSE             75    13   52   0.85227275  0.5905512   0.69767445 
I-KPI_INCREASE        6     3    8    0.6666667   0.42857143  0.5217392  
B-LIABILITY           9     4    5    0.6923077   0.64285713  0.6666667  
I-CF                  18    1    18   0.94736844  0.5         0.6545455  
I-COUNT               12    2    1    0.85714287  0.9230769   0.8888889  
B-FCF                 13    5    0    0.7222222   1.0         0.83870965 
B-PROFIT_INCREASE     79    22   31   0.7821782   0.7181818   0.7488152  
B-KPI_INCREASE        3     4    11   0.42857143  0.21428572  0.2857143  
B-EXPENSE             41    19   38   0.68333334  0.51898736  0.5899281  
I-PROFIT_DECLINE      5     7    22   0.41666666  0.18518518  0.25641027 
I-LIABILITY_DECREASE  1     1    0    0.5         1.0         0.6666667  
I-PROFIT              188   47   50   0.8         0.789916    0.79492605 
B-CURRENCY            440   0    1    1.0         0.9977324   0.9988649  
I-PROFIT_INCREASE     77    23   45   0.77        0.63114756  0.69369364 
I-CURRENCY            6     0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
B-CF                  9     1    8    0.9         0.5294118   0.6666667  
B-PROFIT              147   51   40   0.74242425  0.7860963   0.7636363  
B-PERCENTAGE          417   2    4    0.99522674  0.99049884  0.99285716 
B-TICKER              13    0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
I-FISCAL_YEAR         3     0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
B-ORG                 14    0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
B-EXPENSE_INCREASE    6     0    4    1.0         0.6         0.75       
B-EXPENSE_DECREASE    1     0    1    1.0         0.5         0.6666667  
B-ASSET               9     2    16   0.8181818   0.36        0.5        
B-FISCAL_YEAR         1     0    0    1.0         1.0         1.0        
I-EXPENSE_DECREASE    3     2    2    0.6         0.6         0.6        
I-FCF                 26    15   0    0.63414633  1.0         0.7761194  
I-EXPENSE_INCREASE    8     0    3    1.0         0.72727275  0.84210527 
Macro-average         2637  255  465  0.7494908   0.64362085  0.70253296 
Micro-average         2637  255  465  0.9118257   0.8500967   0.8798799