Legal Indemnification Agreement Document Classifier (Longformer)


The legclf_indemnification_agreement model is a Legal Longformer Document Classifier to classify if the document belongs to the class indemnification-agreement or not (Binary Classification).

Longformers have a restriction on 4096 tokens, so only the first 4096 tokens will be taken into account. We have realised that for the big majority of the documents in legal corpora, if they are clean and only contain the legal document without any extra information before, 4096 is enough to perform Document Classification.

If not, let us know and we can carry out another approach for you: getting chunks of 4096 tokens and average the embeddings, training with the averaged version, what means all document will be taken into account. But this theoretically should not be required.

Predicted Entities

indemnification-agreement, other

Copy S3 URI

How to use

document_assembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler()\

tokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer()\

embeddings = nlp.LongformerEmbeddings.pretrained("legal_longformer_base", "en")\
    .setInputCols("document", "token")\

sentence_embeddings = nlp.SentenceEmbeddings()\
    .setInputCols(["document", "embeddings"])\

doc_classifier = nlp.ClassifierDLModel.pretrained("legclf_indemnification_agreement", "en", "legal/models")\
nlpPipeline = nlp.Pipeline(stages=[
df = spark.createDataFrame([["YOUR TEXT HERE"]]).toDF("text")

model =

result = model.transform(df)


| result|

Model Information

Model Name: legclf_indemnification_agreement
Compatibility: Legal NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence_embeddings]
Output Labels: [class]
Language: en
Size: 21.1 MB


Legal documents, scrapped from the Internet, and classified in-house + SEC documents


label                      precision  recall  f1-score  support 
indemnification-agreement  1.00       1.00    1.00      31      
other                      1.00       1.00    1.00      85      
accuracy                   -          -       1.00      116     
macro-avg                  1.00       1.00    1.00      116     
weighted-avg               1.00       1.00    1.00      116