Key Value Recognition on 10K filings


This is a Form Recognition / Key Value extraction model, trained on the summary page of SEC 10K filings. It extracts KEY, VALUE or HEADER as entities, being HEADER the title on the filing.

Predicted Entities


Copy S3 URI

How to use

binary_to_image = BinaryToImage()\
    .setOutputCol("image") \

img_to_hocr = ImageToHocr()\

tokenizer = HocrTokenizer()\

doc_ner = VisualDocumentNerV21()\
    .pretrained("visualner_keyvalue_10kfilings", "en", "clinical/ocr")\
    .setInputCols(["token", "image"])\

draw = ImageDrawAnnotations() \
    .setInputCol("image") \
    .setInputChunksCol("entities") \
    .setOutputCol("image_with_annotations") \
    .setFontSize(10) \

# OCR pipeline
pipeline = PipelineModel(stages=[

import pkg_resources
bin_df ="binaryFile").load('data/t01.jpg')

results = pipeline.transform(bin_df).cache()

res = results.collect()

## since pyspark2.3 doesn't have element_at, 'getItem' is involked
path_array = f.split(results['path'], '/')

# from pyspark2.4
# results.withColumn("filename", f.element_at(f.split("path", "/"), -1)) \

results.withColumn('filename', path_array.getItem(f.size(path_array)- 1)) \
    .withColumn("exploded_entities", f.explode("entities")) \
    .select("filename", "exploded_entities") \


|filename|exploded_entities                                                                                                                                        |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 268, 269, OTHERS, {confidence -> 96, width -> 14, x -> 822, y -> 1101, word -> of, token -> of, height -> 34}, []}                        |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 271, 273, OTHERS, {confidence -> 89, width -> 33, x -> 837, y -> 1112, word -> the, token -> the, height -> 13}, []}                      |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 275, 277, OTHERS, {confidence -> 89, width -> 30, x -> 874, y -> 1113, word -> Act., token -> act, height -> 12}, []}                     |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 280, 282, KEY-B, {confidence -> 94, width -> 26, x -> 910, y -> 1113, word -> Yes, token -> yes, height -> 12}, []}                       |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 284, 285, VALUE-B, {confidence -> 45, width -> 13, x -> 944, y -> 1112, word -> LI, token -> li, height -> 13}, []}                       |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 287, 288, KEY-B, {confidence -> 83, width -> 22, x -> 963, y -> 1113, word -> No, token -> no, height -> 12}, []}                         |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 290, 295, HEADER-B, {confidence -> 96, width -> 89, x -> 1493, y -> 13, word -> UNITED, token -> united, height -> 16}, []}               |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 297, 302, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 95, width -> 83, x -> 1590, y -> 13, word -> STATES, token -> states, height -> 16}, []}               |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 304, 313, HEADER-B, {confidence -> 95, width -> 221, x -> 1186, y -> 45, word -> SECURITIES, token -> securities, height -> 25}, []}      |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 315, 317, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 95, width -> 80, x -> 1415, y -> 45, word -> AND, token -> and, height -> 25}, []}                     |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 319, 326, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 96, width -> 212, x -> 1507, y -> 45, word -> EXCHANGE, token -> exchange, height -> 25}, []}          |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 328, 337, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 95, width -> 249, x -> 1732, y -> 45, word -> COMMISSION, token -> commission, height -> 25}, []}      |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 339, 348, HEADER-B, {confidence -> 96, width -> 125, x -> 1461, y -> 86, word -> Washington,, token -> washington, height -> 21}, []}     |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 351, 351, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 93, width -> 43, x -> 1595, y -> 86, word -> D.C., token -> d, height -> 16}, []}                      |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 356, 360, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 93, width -> 59, x -> 1646, y -> 86, word -> 20549, token -> 20549, height -> 16}, []}                 |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 362, 365, HEADER-B, {confidence -> 93, width -> 112, x -> 1484, y -> 159, word -> FORM, token -> form, height -> 25}, []}                 |
|t01.jpg |{named_entity, 367, 368, HEADER-I, {confidence -> 91, width -> 77, x -> 1609, y -> 159, word -> 10-K, token -> 10, height -> 25}, []}                    |

Model Information

Model Name: visualner_keyvalue_10kfilings
Type: ocr
Compatibility: Visual NLP 4.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Language: en
Size: 744.3 MB


Sec 10K filings