Forward-Looking Statements Classification


This is a Text Classification model aimed to detect at sentence or paragraph level, if there is a Forward-looking statements (FLS).

FLS are beliefs and opinions about firm’s future events or results, usually present in documents as Financial Reports. Identifying forward-looking statements from corporate reports can assist investors in financial analysis.

This model was trained originally on 3,500 manually annotated sentences from Management Discussion and Analysis section of annual reports of Russell 3000 firms and then finetuned in house by JSL on low-performant examples.

Predicted Entities

Specific FLS, Non-specific FLS, Not FLS

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How to use

document_assembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler() \
    .setInputCol('text') \

tokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer() \
    .setInputCols(['document']) \

sequenceClassifier = finance.BertForSequenceClassification.pretrained("finclf_bert_fls", "en", "finance/models")\
pipeline = nlp.Pipeline(stages=[

# couple of simple examples
example = spark.createDataFrame([["Global economy will increase during the next year."]]).toDF("text")

result =

# result is a DataFrame"text", "class.result").show()


|                text|        result|
|Global economy wi...|[Specific FLS]|

Model Information

Model Name: finclf_bert_fls
Type: finance
Compatibility: Finance NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [document, token]
Output Labels: [class]
Language: en
Size: 412.2 MB
Case sensitive: true
Max sentence length: 512


In-house annotations on 10K financial reports and reports from Russell 3000 firms


           label  precision    recall  f1-score   support
    Specific_FLS       0.96      0.93      0.94       311
Non-specific_FLS       0.91      0.94      0.92       215
         Not_FLS       0.84      0.87      0.85        70
        accuracy          -         -      0.92       596
       macro-avg       0.90      0.91      0.91       596
    weighted-avg       0.93      0.92      0.92       596