This is a Zero-shot Relation Extraction Model, meaning that it does not require any training data, just few examples of of the relations types you are looking for, to output a proper result.
Make sure you keep the proper syntax of the relations you want to extract. For example:
- The keys of the dictionary are the name of the relations (
) - The values are list of sentences with similar examples of the relation
- The values in brackets are the NER labels extracted by an NER component before
Predicted Entities
How to use
documentAssembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler()\
sparktokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer()\
tokenClassifier = legal.BertForTokenClassifier.pretrained('legner_obligations','en', 'legal/models')\
.setInputCols("token", "document")\
ner_converter = nlp.NerConverter()\
.setInputCols(["document", "token", "ner"])\
re_model = legal.ZeroShotRelationExtractionModel.pretrained("legre_zero_shot", "en", "legal/models")\
.setInputCols(["ner_chunk", "sentence"]) \
# Remember it's 2 curly brackets instead of one if you are using Spark NLP < 4.0
pipeline = sparknlp.base.Pipeline() \
# create Spark DF
sample_text = """Fox grants to Licensee a limited, exclusive right and license"""
data = spark.createDataFrame([[sample_text]]).toDF("text")
model =
results = model.transform(data)
# ner output
results.selectExpr("explode(ner_chunk) as ner").show(truncate=False)
# relations output
results.selectExpr("explode(relations) as relation").show(truncate=False)
|ner |
|[chunk, 0, 2, Fox, [entity -> OBLIGATION_SUBJECT, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 0, confidence -> 0.6905101], []] |
|[chunk, 4, 9, grants, [entity -> OBLIGATION_ACTION, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 1, confidence -> 0.7512371], []] |
|[chunk, 14, 21, Licensee, [entity -> OBLIGATION_INDIRECT_OBJECT, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 2, confidence -> 0.8294538], []] |
|[chunk, 23, 31, a limited, [entity -> OBLIGATION, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 3, confidence -> 0.7429814], []] |
|[chunk, 34, 60, exclusive right and license, [entity -> OBLIGATION, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 4, confidence -> 0.9236847], []]|
|relation |
|[category, 0, 91, GRANTS, [entity1_begin -> 0, relation -> GRANTS, hypothesis -> Fox grants grants, confidence -> 0.7592092, nli_prediction -> entail, entity1 -> OBLIGATION_SUBJECT, syntactic_distance -> undefined, chunk2 -> grants, entity2_end -> 9, entity1_end -> 2, entity2_begin -> 4, entity2 -> OBLIGATION_ACTION, chunk1 -> Fox, sentence -> 0], []] |
|[category, 92, 185, GRANTS_TO, [entity1_begin -> 0, relation -> GRANTS_TO, hypothesis -> Fox grants Licensee, confidence -> 0.9822127, nli_prediction -> entail, entity1 -> OBLIGATION_SUBJECT, syntactic_distance -> undefined, chunk2 -> Licensee, entity2_end -> 21, entity1_end -> 2, entity2_begin -> 14, entity2 -> OBLIGATION_INDIRECT_OBJECT, chunk1 -> Fox, sentence -> 0], []]|
Model Information
Model Name: | legre_zero_shot |
Type: | legal |
Compatibility: | Legal NLP 1.0.0+ |
License: | Licensed |
Edition: | Official |
Language: | en |
Size: | 406.4 MB |
Case sensitive: | true |
Bert Base (cased) trained on the GLUE MNLI dataset.