Mapping Company Names to Edgar Database


This Chunk Mapper model allows you to, given a detected Organization with any NER model, augment it with information available in the SEC Edgar database. Some of the fields included in this Chunk Mapper are:

  • IRS number
  • Sector
  • Former names
  • Address, Phone, State
  • Dates where the company submitted filings
  • etc.

IMPORTANT: Chunk Mappers work with exact matches, so before using Chunk Mapping, you need to carry out Company Name Normalization to get how the company name is stored in Edgar. To do this, use Entity Linking, more especifically the finel_edgar_companynames model, with the Organization Name extracted by any NER model. You will get the normalized version (by Edgar standards) of the name, which you can send to this model for data augmentation.

Predicted Entities

Live Demo Copy S3 URI

How to use

documentAssembler = nlp.DocumentAssembler()\

tokenizer = nlp.Tokenizer()\

embeddings = nlp.BertEmbeddings.pretrained("bert_embeddings_sec_bert_base","en") \
        .setInputCols(["document", "token"]) \

ner_model = finance.NerModel.pretrained("finner_orgs_prods_alias", "en", "finance/models")\
        .setInputCols(["document", "token", "embeddings"])\

ner_converter = nlp.NerConverter()\

# Optional: To normalize the ORG name using NASDAQ data before the mapping
chunkToDoc = nlp.Chunk2Doc()\

chunk_embeddings = nlp.UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained("tfhub_use", "en") \
      .setInputCols("ner_chunk_doc") \
use_er_model = finance.SentenceEntityResolverModel.pretrained("finel_edgar_company_name", "en", "finance/models") \
      .setInputCols(["ner_chunk_doc", "sentence_embeddings"]) \

cm = finance.ChunkMapperModel()\
      .pretrained("finmapper_edgar_companyname", "en", "finance/models")\
      .setOutputCol("mappings")  # or ner_chunk for non normalized versions

nlpPipeline = nlp.Pipeline(stages=[

text = """NIKE Inc is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, 
apparel, equipment, accessories, and services"""

test_data = spark.createDataFrame([[text]]).toDF("text")

model =

lp = nlp.LightPipeline(model)



{"mappings": [["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "name", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS [6798]", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "sic", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "6798", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "sic_code", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "831529368", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "irs_number", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "1231", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "fiscal_year_end", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "GA", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "state_location", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "DE", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "state_incorporation", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "PONCE CITY MARKET", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "business_street", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "ATLANTA", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "business_city", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "GA", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "business_state", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "30308", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "business_zip", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "7708051000", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "business_phone", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "Jamestown Atlanta Invest 1, LLC", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "former_name", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "20180824", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "former_name_date", "all_relations": ""}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "2019-11-21", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "date", "all_relations": "2019-10-24:::2019-11-25:::2019-11-12:::2022-01-13:::2022-03-31:::2022-04-11:::2022-07-12:::2022-06-30:::2021-01-14:::2021-04-06:::2021-03-31:::2021-04-28:::2021-06-30:::2021-09-10:::2021-09-22:::2021-09-30:::2021-10-08:::2020-03-16:::2021-12-30:::2020-04-06:::2020-04-29:::2020-06-12:::2020-07-20:::2020-07-07:::2020-07-28:::2020-07-31:::2020-09-09:::2020-09-25:::2020-10-08:::2020-11-12"}], ["labeled_dependency", 0, 22, "1751158", {"sentence": "0", "chunk": "0", "entity": "Jamestown Invest 1, LLC", "relation": "company_id", "all_relations": ""}]]}

Model Information

Model Name: finmapper_edgar_companyname
Type: finance
Compatibility: Finance NLP 1.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [ner_chunk]
Output Labels: [mappings]
Language: en
Size: 11.0 MB


Manually scrapped Edgar Database