Detect Problems, Tests and Treatments (ner_clinical_large)


Pretrained named entity recognition deep learning model for clinical terms. The SparkNLP deep learning model (MedicalNerModel) is inspired by a former state of the art model for NER: Chiu & Nicols, Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNN.

Predicted Entities


Live Demo Open in Colab Copy S3 URI

How to use

document_assembler = DocumentAssembler()\

sentence_detector = SentenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl_healthcare","en","clinical/models")\

tokenizer = Tokenizer()\

word_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")\
        .setInputCols(["sentence", "token"])\

clinical_ner = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_clinical_large", "en", "clinical/models") \
        .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"]) \

ner_converter = NerConverter()\
 	    .setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner"])\

nlpPipeline = Pipeline(

data = spark.createDataFrame([["""Mr. ABC is a 60-year-old gentleman who had stress test earlier today in my office with severe chest pain after 5 minutes of exercise on the standard Bruce with horizontal ST depressions and moderate apical ischemia on stress imaging only. He required 3 sublingual nitroglycerin in total. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization with myself today which showed mild-to-moderate left main distal disease of 30%, a severe mid-LAD lesion of 99%, and a mid-left circumflex lesion of 80% with normal LV function and some mild luminal irregularities in the right coronary artery with some moderate stenosis seen in the mid to distal right PDA."""]]).toDF("text")

result =
val document_assembler = new DocumentAssembler()
val sentence_detector = new entenceDetectorDLModel.pretrained("sentence_detector_dl_healthcare","en","clinical/models")\

val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()

val word_embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("embeddings_clinical", "en", "clinical/models")
    .setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token"))

val ner = MedicalNerModel.pretrained("ner_clinical_large", "en", "clinical/models")
    .setInputCols("sentence", "token", "embeddings")

val ner_converter = new NerConverter()
 	  .setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token", "ner"))

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(

val data = Seq("""Mr. ABC is a 60-year-old gentleman who had stress test earlier today in my office with severe chest pain after 5 minutes of exercise on the standard Bruce with horizontal ST depressions and moderate apical ischemia on stress imaging only. He required 3 sublingual nitroglycerin in total. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization with myself today which showed mild-to-moderate left main distal disease of 30%, a severe mid-LAD lesion of 99%, and a mid-left circumflex lesion of 80% with normal LV function and some mild luminal irregularities in the right coronary artery with some moderate stenosis seen in the mid to distal right PDA.""").toDS().toDF("text")

val result =


|chunk                                                        |begin|end|ner_label|
|stress test                                                  |43   |53 |TEST     |
|severe chest pain                                            |87   |103|PROBLEM  |
|horizontal ST depressions                                    |160  |184|PROBLEM  |
|moderate apical ischemia                                     |190  |213|PROBLEM  |
|stress imaging                                               |218  |231|TEST     |
|3 sublingual nitroglycerin                                   |251  |276|TREATMENT|
|cardiac catheterization                                      |310  |332|TEST     |
|mild-to-moderate left main distal disease of 30%             |365  |412|PROBLEM  |
|a severe mid-LAD lesion                                      |415  |437|PROBLEM  |
|a mid-left circumflex lesion                                 |451  |478|PROBLEM  |
|some mild luminal irregularities in the right coronary artery|515  |575|PROBLEM  |
|some moderate stenosis                                       |582  |603|PROBLEM  |

Model Information

Model Name: ner_clinical_large
Compatibility: Healthcare NLP 3.0.0+
License: Licensed
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence, token, embeddings]
Output Labels: [ner]
Language: en

Data Source

Trained on augmented version of 2010 i2b2 challenge data with ‘embeddings_clinical’.


|    | label         |    tp |    fp |    fn |     prec |      rec |       f1 |
|  0 | I-TREATMENT   |  6625 |  1187 |  1329 | 0.848054 | 0.832914 | 0.840416 |
|  1 | I-PROBLEM     | 15142 |  1976 |  2542 | 0.884566 | 0.856254 | 0.87018  |
|  2 | B-PROBLEM     | 11005 |  1065 |  1587 | 0.911765 | 0.873968 | 0.892466 |
|  3 | I-TEST        |  6748 |   923 |  1264 | 0.879677 | 0.842237 | 0.86055  |
|  4 | B-TEST        |  8196 |   942 |  1029 | 0.896914 | 0.888455 | 0.892665 |
|  5 | B-TREATMENT   |  8271 |  1265 |  1073 | 0.867345 | 0.885167 | 0.876165 |
|  6 | Macro-average | 55987 |  7358 |  8824 | 0.881387 | 0.863166 | 0.872181 |
|  7 | Micro-average | 55987 |  7358 |  8824 | 0.883842 | 0.86385  | 0.873732 |