Sentiment Analysis of tweets Pipeline (analyze_sentimentdl_use_twitter)


A pre-trained pipeline to analyze sentiment in tweets and classify them into ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ classes using Universal Sentence Encoder embeddings

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How to use

from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline 
pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("analyze_sentimentdl_use_twitter", lang = "en") 

result = pipeline.fullAnnotate(["im meeting up with one of my besties tonight! Cant wait!!  - GIRL TALK!!", "is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!"])
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.PretrainedPipeline
val pipeline = new PretrainedPipeline("analyze_sentimentdl_use_twitter", lang = "en")
val result = pipeline.fullAnnotate("im meeting up with one of my besties tonight! Cant wait!!  - GIRL TALK!!", "is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!")
import nlu

text = ["""im meeting up with one of my besties tonight! Cant wait!!  - GIRL TALK!!", "is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!"""]
sentiment_df = nlu.load('en.sentiment.twitter.use').predict(text)


|    | document                                                                                                         | sentiment   |
|---:|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:------------|
|  0 | im meeting up with one of my besties tonight! Cant wait!!  - GIRL TALK!!                                         | positive    |
|  1 | is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!  | negative    |

Model Information

Model Name: analyze_sentimentdl_use_twitter
Type: pipeline
Compatibility: Spark NLP 2.7.1+
Edition: Official
Language: en

Included Models

tfhub_use, sentimentdl_use_twitter