Detect Restaurant-related Terminology


This model is trained with glove_100d embeddings to detect restaurant-related terminology.

Predicted Entities

Location, Cuisine, Amenity, Restaurant_Name, Dish, Rating, Hours, Price

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How to use


embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("glove_100d") \
.setInputCols("sentence", "token") \

nerdl = NerDLModel.pretrained("nerdl_restaurant_100d")\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "embeddings"])\

ner_converter = NerConverter()\
.setInputCols(["sentence", "token", "ner"])\

nlp_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[document_assembler, sentence_detector, tokenizer, embeddings, nerdl, ner_converter])

text = """Hong Kong’s favourite pasta bar also offers one of the most reasonably priced lunch sets in town! With locations spread out all over the territory Sha Tin – Pici’s formidable lunch menu reads like a highlight reel of the restaurant. Choose from starters like the burrata and arugula salad or freshly tossed tuna tartare, and reliable handmade pasta dishes like pappardelle. Finally, round out your effortless Italian meal with a tidy one-pot tiramisu, of course, an espresso to power you through the rest of the day."""

data = spark.createDataFrame([[text]]).toDF("text")

result =

val embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained("glove_100d")
.setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token"))

val nerdl = NerDLModel.pretrained("nerdl_restaurant_100d")
.setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token", "embeddings"))

val ner_converter = NerConverter()
.setInputCols(Array("sentence", "token", "ner"))

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(document_assembler, sentence_detector, tokenizer, embeddings, nerdl, ner_converter))

val data = Seq("Hong Kong’s favourite pasta bar also offers one of the most reasonably priced lunch sets in town! With locations spread out all over the territory Sha Tin – Pici’s formidable lunch menu reads like a highlight reel of the restaurant. Choose from starters like the burrata and arugula salad or freshly tossed tuna tartare, and reliable handmade pasta dishes like pappardelle. Finally, round out your effortless Italian meal with a tidy one-pot tiramisu, of course, an espresso to power you through the rest of the day.").toDF("text")

val result =
import nlu
nlu.load("").predict("""Hong Kong’s favourite pasta bar also offers one of the most reasonably priced lunch sets in town! With locations spread out all over the territory Sha Tin – Pici’s formidable lunch menu reads like a highlight reel of the restaurant. Choose from starters like the burrata and arugula salad or freshly tossed tuna tartare, and reliable handmade pasta dishes like pappardelle. Finally, round out your effortless Italian meal with a tidy one-pot tiramisu, of course, an espresso to power you through the rest of the day.""")


|chunk                      |ner_label      |
|favourite                  |Rating         |
|pasta bar                  |Dish           |
|most reasonably            |Price          |
|lunch                      |Hours          |
|in town!                   |Location       |
|Sha Tin – Pici’s           |Restaurant_Name|
|burrata                    |Dish           |
|arugula salad              |Dish           |
|freshly tossed tuna tartare|Dish           |
|reliable                   |Price          |
|handmade pasta             |Dish           |
|pappardelle                |Dish           |
|effortless                 |Amenity        |
|Italian                    |Cuisine        |
|tidy one-pot               |Amenity        |
|espresso                   |Dish           |

Model Information

Model Name: nerdl_restaurant_100d
Type: ner
Compatibility: Spark NLP 3.3.4+
License: Open Source
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence, token, embeddings]
Output Labels: [ner]
Language: en
Size: 14.2 MB

Data Source


label  precision    recall  f1-score   support
B-Amenity       0.77      0.75      0.76       545
B-Cuisine       0.86      0.88      0.87       524
B-Dish       0.84      0.80      0.82       303
B-Hours       0.67      0.72      0.69       197
B-Location       0.89      0.89      0.89       807
B-Price       0.86      0.87      0.86       169
B-Rating       0.87      0.79      0.83       221
B-Restaurant_Name       0.91      0.94      0.92       388
I-Amenity       0.80      0.75      0.77       561
I-Cuisine       0.71      0.71      0.71       135
I-Dish       0.66      0.77      0.71       104
I-Hours       0.87      0.84      0.86       306
I-Location       0.92      0.87      0.89       834
I-Price       0.64      0.81      0.71        52
I-Rating       0.80      0.85      0.82       118
I-Restaurant_Name       0.82      0.89      0.85       359
O       0.95      0.96      0.96      8634
accuracy        -          -       0.91     14257
macro-avg       0.81      0.83      0.82     14257
weighted-avg       0.91      0.91      0.91     14257