Fast and Accurate Language Identification - 21 Languages (BIGRU)


Language detection and identification is the task of automatically detecting the language(s) present in a document based on the content of the document. LanguageDetectorDL is an annotator that detects the language of documents or sentences depending on the inputCols. In addition, LanguageDetetorDL can accurately detect language from documents with mixed languages by coalescing sentences and select the best candidate.

We have designed and developed Deep Learning models using BiGRU architectures in TensorFlow/Keras. The model is trained on Tatoeba dataset with high accuracy evaluated on the Europarl dataset. The output is a language code in Wiki Code style:

This model can detect the following languages:

Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish.

Predicted Entities

bg, cs, da, de, el, en, et, fi, fr, hu, it, lt, lv, nl, pl, pt, ro, sk, sl, es, sv.

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How to use

language_detector = LanguageDetectorDL.pretrained("ld_tatoeba_bigru_21", "xx")\
languagePipeline = Pipeline(stages=[documentAssembler, sentenceDetector, language_detector])
light_pipeline = LightPipeline([['']]).toDF("text")))
result = light_pipeline.fullAnnotate("Spark NLP est une bibliothèque de traitement de texte open source pour le traitement avancé du langage naturel pour les langages de programmation Python, Java et Scala.")
val languageDetector = LanguageDetectorDL.pretrained("ld_tatoeba_bigru_21", "xx")
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(documentAssembler, sentenceDetector, languageDetector))
val data = Seq("Spark NLP est une bibliothèque de traitement de texte open source pour le traitement avancé du langage naturel pour les langages de programmation Python, Java et Scala.").toDF("text")
val result =
import nlu

text = ["Spark NLP est une bibliothèque de traitement de texte open source pour le traitement avancé du langage naturel pour les langages de programmation Python, Java et Scala."]
lang_df = nlu.load('xx.classify.wiki_21.bigru').predict(text, output_level='sentence')



Model Information

Model Name: ld_tatoeba_bigru_21
Compatibility: Spark NLP 2.7.0+
Edition: Official
Input Labels: [sentence]
Output Labels: [language]
Language: xx

Data Source



Evaluated on Europarl dataset which the model has never seen:

|src_lang|count|correct|         precision|
|      el| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      pt| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      fr| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      it| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      de| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      es| 1000|   1000|               1.0|
|      nl| 1000|    999|             0.999|
|      en| 1000|    999|             0.999|
|      da| 1000|    999|             0.999|
|      fi| 1000|    998|             0.998|
|      pl|  914|    906|0.9912472647702407|
|      bg| 1000|    990|              0.99|
|      hu|  880|    870|0.9886363636363636|
|      ro|  784|    773| 0.985969387755102|
|      sv| 1000|    985|             0.985|
|      lt| 1000|    983|             0.983|
|      cs| 1000|    979|             0.979|
|      lv|  916|    896|0.9781659388646288|
|      sk| 1000|    969|             0.969|
|      et|  928|    888|0.9568965517241379|
|      sl|  914|    861|0.9420131291028446|

|summary|           precision|
|  count|                  21|
|   mean|  0.9878061255168247|
| stddev|0.015811719210146295|
|    min|  0.9420131291028446|
|    max|                 1.0|